what to do when you're too unmotivated to stick to your habits | set systems rather than goals

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🎙 Voice Hugs podcast:

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Agenda for our New Year Reset series:

As always, feedback & suggestions are always welcome. As you guys saw, I took your feedback very seriously and updated the worksheets accordingly so please keep them coming. 🙇♀️ Beyond grateful for you all. :') Here's to making 2022 our year!!

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0:00 Intro
1:19 Intro to New Year Reset series
1:39 1: Lacking confidence
3:04 2: Lacking purpose
4:02 3: Lacking systems
12:37 4: Lacking focus
15:34 5: Lacking proper environment
16:19 :')

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✨ If you’re at all curious:
*Best to read start to finish in the shortest time possible for the highest benefit.

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Video edited by Rowena Tsai

Camera & Equipment 🎥:
• Final Cut Pro X
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For me personally, my lack of motivation comes from feeling overwhelmed with the infinite number of tasks I have to do. I like to break them down and try not to think of the whole project but try to look at just one task at a time.
Thanks for this video, you're doing a great job and explain everything so well :)


I do have a tip! My sistem is called "the lazy routine".
When I don't feel like doing my night routine, I convince my self to do at least one of the task I need to do. So a couple of years ago, on my lazy days I would just wash my teeth very quickly with manual brush and go to bed. Some days I just end up the having the full routine anyways.

On Others, I just do this lazy routine, which consists of only essential steps. But whit time, it almost came natural to add steps to the lazy routine, one at a time. The first step felt easy even on days I was tired, so I added another one, and another one, and so on.
Today, my "lazy" routine consists in fully and properly brushing my teeth, flossing, double cleansing my face, exfoliating torner and moisturizer. This is very close to my everyday normal routine!

Just start small and then keep adding steps until at some point even if you don't feel like you will still do a simpler routine which is vetter than nothing. Eventually at some point you will just stick with doing the proper routine everyday! Also the lazy days happens a lot less frequently than before!!


I would add to the reasons: lacking energy and lacking fun. Energy is a big one because the more you expect from yourself, the more brain power and energy in general you'll need. That's why it's important to prioritize not only sleep and rest but also moving your body AND not overloading yourself because you'll burn out eventually. The second thing is fun and unfortunately in productivity land we keep it in the backburner or worse we want fun to be useful. Fun should serve no purpose and be priority #2 if you want to live a long fulfilling life that can support so many goals.


If y’all are struggling with figuring out what work environment suits you best, start taking note of the little things you find irritating and comfortable about your space. This will let you know where you need to make changes and you can streamline the process as your awareness grows 😊


I have a big tip for u all. Last year I seriously procastinated my studying, i got covid 1st Jan 22 but learnt that resting my body is just as productive. Since i got better, i thought of studying for couple hours a day 5 days a week. Not even a month in and I have submitted 5 modules!! Small gradual steps over time provide big accomplishments ^_^


I think the best thing I’ve done in terms of setting systems this month is shifting from daily habits to different frequencies. For example, I want to relearn the French I’ve forgotten from school and become completely fluent, so I use Duolingo daily, but study in depth through other lesson plans or consume French media only 3 days a week. I’ve already set the days up in advance too, and I still put it up on a habit tracker where the days I’m not supposed to do something are greyed out.

So there’s still a sense of it being a habit and wanting to keep it up, but at the same time I’m a little more lenient with myself and I understand that there are like 6 categories in life I need to improve on and more than a dozen actionable goals, so I can’t do all these things every single day. It’s much more realistic for me to divide things throughout the week so I can get more done and be more inspired the next week. I think turning everything into a daily habit tracker, for me, is something that’s just designed to fail.

Understanding what works for you and what doesn’t is so important.


I’m still working through finding a system that works for me, trying to prioritize tasks that make me feel happy (like taking a walk) vs tasks that take a lot of out me (like freelance work). This week I bought a daily planner and I’ve been trying to loosely plan out what to do when and adjusting it each day until I find the perfect routine for me. I’m still having a hard time getting myself into the mindset to start working (#ADHDlife + 0 Self Discipline) but I’m still determined and hopeful that I’ll find a routine that works for me!


i was just feeling so so unproductive and unmotivated just now, , thank you so much for this video <3 to everyone out there experiencing a rut / lacking motivation, hang in there! you’re doing great and i’m sure things will get better :)


Changing the negative self talk and finding ways to change our habits productively is such a a great message! Definitely changing my systems with your tips 🙏🏽💜


I am a 15 year old teen and i just want to thank you for making my morning a bit better and whole this day!💗


Watching Rowena's video every week is just a solid routine for me ❤ i don't want to miss a single video 😆🤪 keep inspiring Ro 🤍
from your fellow 🥔


Hi! I found this video so helpful so thank you. I thought I would share something I do when I really lack motivation and feel like I have no purpose. I called it a ‘reset routine’ in which I’ll open a window, burn some incense, light a candle and tidy my spaces. This includes both physical spaces and my online spaces. I’ll put away clothes, move some furniture I think is in the wrong place, unfollow unhelpful people and focus more on reconnecting myself. This step will usually include a longer shower, skincare, meditation and some light exercise. Whenever I feel stuck in a rut or just feel like I’m missing something I’ll follow these steps. Usually after doing so, it’ll give me some sort of push to get through what I was struggling with or help clear my mind


The title of this video is exactly how I’m feeling 😣 fortunately my job keeps me somewhat in a routine, so finding a balance between discipline and being gentle with myself has been really helpful!


2021 was an incredibly hard year for me, and the idea of changing my plans from having "goals" to making "systems" has been so meaningful to me. These worksheets have been an incredible start, and I feel so motivated to build the life I want this year. So grateful for you!


In terms of time tracking, working in consistent chunks of time, setting your goals for that time at the beginning and honestly reflecting how much you got done (and then taking a break!) has been so, so helpful in teaching me what I can truly expect to get done in an averagely productive 2 hrs.I joined this group where there are online, 2 hr deep work sessions and it's so useful for learning how to plan my time realistically!


Omg the thing about being in a failure state when you're focusing on the goal hit HARD! As always coming through with exactly what we need to hear and doing it in style 👏😍


I was procrastinating doing the '12 week year'(the book) system, but this, what you shared, took away my overwhelm, yes this, I can do, thank you soo much for all your hard work, the worksheets are amazing, and happiest new year <3


ngl, this video made me cry. I fell into a huge mental slump some time ago and have been feeling extremely unmotivated and unfocused, and this video really reminded me that I can still change things and get better. just hearing about the way one can set up systems and find new ways to live happy and at peace with oneself did a lot for me just now, so thank you so, so much for that, Rowena!! you're always such a joy to listen to, and a ginormous pick-me-up when I'm feeling down, not to mention a huuuge motivator 💖 thank you!!


You’ve literally changed me. I tried counselling and CBT and nothing has helped me but all of your challenges on Vibely and worksheets and videos have changed my life. I cannot thank you enough. I hit rock bottom last year and couldn’t see a way back up, so Know you are appreciated more than can be articulated 🙏💓


Living for the fact that you genuinely care about helping us and also your skin is glowing
