How To 'Attract' Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The 'Natural' Effect

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Did you know that it's possible to attract women WITHOUT saying a single word?  It's true and it's doable by ANY man... YES even you ;).

In this video Marni reveals exactly how to attract women without saying a word using the NATURAL effects of your body language. Body Language is the quickest and easiest thing you can alter to actually change how women see you.

5 Body Language Tricks to Look More Attractive Instantly

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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Eye contact is really the way to go. Strong eye contact, a playful expression, a manly confident voice, a sense of humor.


1) eye contact (don’t overdo it / balance)
2) non verbal cues (don’t be rain man 🤣)
3) open expansive posture
4) hand gestures
5) smile


I found out about the eye contact from a lady that worked for me years ago. She said all the females that worked there thought I was a flirt because I always made eye contact with them when speaking. I do it to everyone. She told me women think that it is flirting and love it. She also pointed out they thought that because I listened to what they said and responded instead of dismissing them. Once she told me all that I learned to use it as a tool.


75% of watchers don’t subscribe coz they’re married 😂


S - smile
O - Open arms
F - Forward lean
T - Touch (Handshake)
E - Eye contact
N - Nod

I read a book about it today :)


I’m a twice divorced man and I have just started having interest in dating again. And I am finding it to be rather nightmarish! I’m 56 and in good shape and very confident in my words and actions. However, most of the woman that I have come across, as of late, come with tons of drama. Most of the women that I have had interacted with just seem to be mortally wounded from previous relationships and have all these walls built around them or are drama city. Maybe it’s because I am older and wiser now, but I honestly don’t remember ever having difficulty with dating or finding a girlfriend. I’m sure that one day I will find that special someone. But until then, being lonely totally is awful. Especially since I was raised to be a family man and provider.


Interesting. Since a teen I was always a "loner", the one that chose solitude over social interactions. I didn't mind crowds but I basked in personal alone time.
To make a long story short, I don't approach women, never have never will. It's always worked in my favor in regards to meeting women here and there. Beautiful women and not so. Apparently my "mysteriousness" as I was often told, was the factor that attracted the ones that eventually admitted WHY they approached.
The only thing I genuinely try for, is personal growth in any and every aspect of my life. It wasn't always like this, but since then, the attraction I receive from others is profound to say the least. People here and there seem to crave the "different", the yet to be understood. Young and old regardless of their positions in life have their reasons for choosing to interact with me. I NEVER initiate, and it's interesting to experience the results of those that reveal their reason or reasons for wanting my attention or what have you.
My personal opinion in terms of relationships, is to NEVER, EVER, EVER, "NEED" something or someone unless your life depends on it. All we truly need is food, water, some means of shelter perhaps, but ultimately, God. It's the Hippocracy within each and every one of us that leads us to choose the worst for ourselves when we never "needed" it. Wanting is cool, but needs are what truly define what is to come....


Marni, you are a genius. To come up with the idea of telling men what women really like and dislike and how to approach them is the most novel approach of any that I have seen. And you are a vivacious woman who seems to genuinely care about making men more confident and effective with women. Kudos to you for coming up with this concept and for doing it so well. I think it can literally change men's lives.


I just do the Bloodsport split in every restaurant booth I’m at, works like a charm.


Speaking of hand gestures, you have the two-handed hair flip down to perfection. Honestly, you do it more than Rodney Dangerfield went for his tie.


These are all great points. Eye contact, smiling are good starts. Apparently my smile (dimples) and eyes (change from green to hazel depending on time of year) are some of my best features. Women i meet tend to mention these things when we are talking, so i utilize those the most in first encounters. I never even noticed my eyes changed color until several years ago when an ex i was with brought it up. I am 6'6 so by pure need i am always expanding and taking up space lol.


I've been doing all 5 of these things (maybe not the hand gesturing that much, which I actually find annoying when other people do, interestingly), and still rarely get a woman interested beyond a first date unless she's only so so in the looks department. This stuff is fine and dandy and somewhat common sensical, but it still can't guarantee chemistry on the other person's end, apparently


Funny girl, I love her style and her tips and I fell for the little joke about pressing the subscribe button so I did suscribe. Keep the good videos coming.


Marni I bought your f formula close to a year ago its literally changed the game for me thanks for such a great info that works!


This is right up my alley. No words spoken. I can work with that.


Marni, you should ask YouTube for a refund on the advertising they sold you. Before I was able to watch this video YouTube was showing me an ad for your channel 🤦‍♀️ Happy to send you a screenshot.


The eye contact is something I've never had an issue with. Finding women outside of dating sites, church, work or bars that's my delima.


That slide in subscription was priceless.
Good one 1⃣


Thank you Marni for another great guide. I go out to be sociable, have a great time while trying out some new beer that I’m interested in. And I talk to as many women as I possibly can with the advice that you gave me 😊


Marni, you’re helping me with my wife in communication!
