C++Now 2018: Lisa Lippincott “Opening Keynote: The Shape of a Program”

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When we talk about programs, we often use metaphors of space: we speak of connection and separation, of paths and boundaries, of areas and lengths. We clearly have some intuition that sees a program as a shape.

In this talk, I will take this intuition seriously, applying topology, the fundamental mathematics of space. I will show how a program can be mathematically described as a shape — a bitopological manifold — arranging actions and capabilities in a frame of time, space, causality, and possibility.

No previous knowledge of topology will be assumed.

Lisa Lippincott is Chief Software Architect at Tanium, a bay-area startup. She's also a language nerd, and has contributed to arcane parts of the C++ standard. In her spare time, she studies mathematical logic with a category-theoretic approach.



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Thanks mathematician give us computer and program. We need them to lift us to anothet level.


if you have meta language to describe programs, you can compare it in meta level if they are the same. This kind of language was described in Dynamic logic David Harel's book. of course we don't have formal way to describe program in topological language but if you will proof that topological language described the same domain as dynamic logic, you can try define what is a morphism between programs.


80s called, they want their formal verification hype back
