What is the basic interface? (part 2 of 2) - Lisa Lippincott [ CppCon 2016 ]

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When we read a function declaration, what expectations do we have of the function? What requirements and limitations do we take for granted? Our unspoken assumptions about function interfaces present an obstacle to precise reasoning about programs.

Here, I will delve into the nitty-gritty procedural logic of function calls in C++, with particular emphasis on the things that often go without saying. I will present some suggestions about how we can make these implicit expectations precise, and how we can express deviation from these expectations in current and future versions of C++.

This material was previously presented at C++Now 2016, where it was named best presentation. It is a companion to my C++Now 2015 talk, "How we reason about procedural programs," but no knowledge of that material will be necessary.

Lisa Lippincott is Chief Software Architect at Tanium, a bay-area startup. Her claim to fame is writing one phrase appearing in the C++ standard. In her spare time, she studies mathematical logic with a category-theoretic approach.

Рекомендации по теме

Excellent construction of the fundamental logic of functions.


16:52 Sudden spike in volume, headphone users be warned. X_X
