Hacking Productivity: Life Lessons from a NASA Doctor with Ann Tsung, MD MPH

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Today we are joined by a productivity expert, the amazing Dr. Ann Tsung, an emergency medicine physician, trained in critical care and aerospace medicine, works as a flight surgeon at NASA while also dedicating her time to working in the ICU and ER. With her busy schedule, she has managed to excel in multiple professional domains. Today, she will offer valuable insights on how physicians can find time for new business ventures and achieve a better work-life balance.

Among the topics you will learn include overcoming the mindset that physicians are "stuck" due to demanding schedules, strategically blocking off time for family and priorities, overcoming distractions, using technology to stay focused, and taking consistent action to achieve your dreams. Her expertise and experience are sure to provide valuable guidance for healthcare professionals seeking to expand their horizons and build multiple streams of income.

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