Stop Growing Microgreens, DIY Hydroponics

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If you are not eating microgreens, stop growing them but I can show you how you can still enjoy a lot of leafy greens and herbs almost year round just about anywhere. I show you how cheap and easy hydroponics can be. Instead of buying all the expensive hydroponic supplies, we use recycled containers, items from the local Dollar Tree and best of all...pool noodles! That's right, we use everyday, readily available items so that anyone, anywhere can learn to grow some of their own food.

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This will save you time, energy and money. Instead of watching hundreds of YouTube videos and getting conflicting opinions from several gardeners, you can get all the info you need to start growing with hydroponics the easy, inexpensive way. For the price of a couple of cups of coffee you can save yourself from watching hours upon hours of videos and start growing today. Once you take the course, you can always come back to it for reference. Don't wait!
0:00 Intro
0:40 Do you grow and eat microgreens?
2:23 It takes a lot of seed
5:30 Using our carefree microgreen grower for plants not microgreens
6:11 Use recycled and Dollar Tree containers to grow microgreens
8:00 Using pool noodles to grow plants in your garden
8:26 Gutter garden, growing plants in a gutter downspout
12:00 You can do it!
13:43 Time lapse of self watering grow box assembly

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How to grow microgreens the easy way.
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#mrduzee1 #diyhydroponics
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I'm retired, live in an apartment, I grow 6 trays of micro greens daily for continuous harvest. I eat a microgreen salad daily and dehydrate the rest for my son and daughters smoothies. You are right, it's not for everyone. I'm 72 with health issues and I actually like microgreens. This is working for me.


Growing baby greens is great, too! I hated kale until I tried it as baby greens. I don’t believe in a food that takes 45 minutes to chew. Baby Kale is different, better tasting, easier to chew.


I think micro greens are great! You can throw them on sandwiches, salads, in casseroles, omelets, in stir fry. They are the perfect fast food.


I love and use your downspout system to grow all my salad greens. But to save on seed costs, and for timing the crop, I start seedlings individually in oasis grow cubes. A small frozen food tray with the great self watering paper towel trick you taught us will start up to 18 seedlings. These are easy to lift off the paper towel without damaging the roots. I wrap the cube in a piece of pool noodle like you taught us. But then I put the pool noodle seedling in a Dixie cup with the lower half cut off, so the noodle hangs in the top half of the cup and the cube and roots touch the water below. Just cut 6 holes in a freezer tub's lid to hang the cups in and you've got a 6 pack of seedlings that can begin growing but save space. Then when they get a bit larger, just transfer the cups to the rain gutter you made. Really great for easy, selective transplanting without ever disturbing the roots. I took some pics to share but I don't have your email. Is there a way to send them in? I think folks might find it helpful. Thanks for turning us on to such a great way to grow greens!


long term to save on micro greens, if you have the room grow a couple plants to full sized and let them go to seed would gets you a long way towards the winters microgreens


I gave up buying seed packets for microgreens. I eat a TON of microgreens. I started buying deer browse seed. By the jug (3lbs for $20). My favorite mix is called Big Sexy and is a wonderful mix of daikon, purple top turnip, brocolini and kale.


I use them every day. I make a juice with broccoli radish kale sunflower Dunn peas and beetroot . I am growing about 15 trays a week (10/20 trays) inside a 1.5x1.5x2mtr grow tent and lights. I’ve only been supplying myself and family but am about to start offering them for sale to select people.


I did it and I got them in all kinds of sizes I’m amazed how well they grow


Hello I am a 79 years old yoga instructor . From Yuma yap even hotter than your place. Thank you for your program. I did start microgreen about year ago. Now I am trying some ather way like kratky system. Thank you again


I grow microgreens in the winter when I can't grow outside. We eat them almost everyday between the mixed microgreens and alfalfa sprouts. A big handful per person. It's so nce to have that freshness in the wintertime.


I buy micro green seeds specifically to grow to full size plants. It’s a cheap way to get a ton of seeds to play with.


I grow spouts on a consistent basis. Love them. My husband eats a huge salad daily. However, he doesn't add my spouts to his salads. I'm trying to have him incorporate but it is a challenge. I love the spicy ones too. OMG! True Leaf is my favorite too!


I just posted a short video. I did string beans in your hydroponics method. I had planted it from seeds and than transplanted it in these small buckets that a neighbor through out. It seems to be working very well. Thank you for all you do Mr. Mike 🙌🏽❤️


I enjoy growing micro greens and sharing with my congregation. I use the yellow lid of the 27 gallon Costco bins for micro greens and the bottoms to do my container gardening. It produces a lot of greens to share, is a nice tiny forest to look at, and centralized in one space saving location.


I started exploring microgreens last year and decided to not invest before trying on a small basis, ended up going with Hamana but due to getting started in the winter it was very slow to germinate and I got discouraged. I canceled subscription and put the remaining 3 seed quilts in the fridge. Summer came around and the seed quilts were a success but I decided it was too much for the subscription and I wanted to try growing on my own. Fast forward to a month ago I grew the last seed quilt for a friend who has Cancer and got the ball rolling. My first two batches were ok, but I decided to go back and watch more videos, I needed to learn again. That’s when I found your channel🌟 Since a month now I’ve successfully grown four 4x8 trays for myself and a friend, and this week started experimenting with different containers and using soil in some and hydro in others. I can eat a whole small tray myself! Cut those and make a simple and quick sandwich.
My friend with cancer bought the seeds which was a mixed greens, kale, broccoli, kohlrabi … and one other. The mix is good tasting but I’m not a fan of the different growths in one batch. She is going through Chemo and doesn’t eat well, but she says when she is able to eat she puts the greens on a sandwich, and also feeds it to her birds! Anyway, I’m hoping to try growing larger greens like lettuce and kale soon. Just need to decide which way to go, a bucket or downspout style. With cooler weather looming I want to have a good plan going and perhaps an indoor setup once winter hits when the temp in my house is typically 60 degrees. Thanks for all the ideas and sharing what you do with great guidance and inspiration.


Come on mike you know I’m never gonna stop. Just finished 30/40/14 tall heated greenhouse in wva. I will only expand from here


Love your methods.Had a much more Complicated system- way too much work.your method gives us lots of food on what we already have (old to go containers, etc.) Thanks for your


You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! Keep on growing. WE ARE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU!


Thank you for all you do! You’re a true inspiration.


This is my first time them and I bought all big 1 kg bag . Cost me £50 and they are growing really good I am really good eating them every day . Started with 5 try now after 1 month I have 10 tray now . And I need 5 more . Growing broccoli, pea, sunflower, radish, red clover, and rocket .
