The Late Bloomer Advantage

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Looking into how people who are indecisive about life decisions might actually have a leg up.
people who are very specialized have an obvious advantage but people who are more generalized have a harder to see set of benefits.

LEMMiNO - Siberian

Fallon - Curious Tangents 3

#latebloomers #sociology
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I'm laughing cuz this is SO me. Even though my family were losing their minds because I couldn't settle on a career, it worked out perfectly for me (after, like a decade) & I found the perfect career for me that uses most of my past interests and never gets boring. People used to chastise me for being into dumb interests & activities that would "never get me a job" but the joke's on them because I use all the skills I learned doing those things. Daily.


"It's hard to know what a story says before a story is actually over."

Really like that quote, perfect ending!


Im 53 and have been a late bloomer since I came out of the womb. It all worked out fine, as frustrating as it felt! So hang in there, go with the flow it will all work itself out in time, just as it is supposed to. Just realize you are not


I love this. This is EXACTLY what people should be told rather than making them agonise over wasted years


I turn 25 this year, and goddamn, every reminder telling me "its okay to be where you at with my life rn" is so wonderful, just thank you.


This thumbnail looks like something you would find when you search inspirational quotes.


I'm 33 and still don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my life, but I know what will give me meaning now and I think that's more important.


I have not even seen the whole thing and I know it’s going to be good


You perfectly articulated my life crisis! It was so interesting to hear about this topic, made me feel better about being a little all over the place. Thanks for the video!


We don't talk enough about late bloomers, glad you brought it up. Sometimes also it's as simple as when a kid was admitted to school. I used to teach Grade2 and I had 2 kids in my class who were just too young. They were normal for their age but their parents had had the permission to enroll them even though they were December babies. I thought that was so tragic cause in Grade 1 that kid would have rocked whereas in a classroom with kids almost a year older than them, they really felt dumb. If it had been my kid, I would have taken it out of school a year and resolved the situation that way.


I've moved from the English education system to the Scottish one so I guess I can hope to get either the best of both worlds! It is really interesting seeing the differences, I much prefer the generalist approach over the specialist but having a mix of both in the world is great, they've both got their place


This resonates with my methos of blooming where I'm planted, taking my time doing it, and being prepared to kick up roots at a moments notice. Thanks Darwin, and thank you for the video, Curious Tangents.


As a 17 year old currently under a lot of pressure to figure out what to do with the rest of my life, thanks! A lot of the time I've felt like my failure to decide on one specific subject that I'm most interested in somehow meant that I was behind everyone else, but this video gave me some hope that it's okay that I'm interested in a lot of different things and I can still explore my interests even if I'm "supposed" to have decided by now.


Really liked the ending story about Caesar, I hadn't heard that


Thanks! I was feeling really terrible but this was informative and comforting simultaneously.


thank you, I really needed to hear this. I've been indicicive my whole life and only recently started to partially narrow down what I want to do in life. It's good to hear that this isn't just a bad thing


I've known exactly what I want to be since age 11, and luckily this has never changed, but I also have a ton of other interests, all of which help me get better at my one core thing. One of them turned out to be my youtube, which now pays the bills even though it was never my main thing, and I love it. I've never wasted my time learning useless things because all of the things I have learned have, in a holistic way, expanded my horizons.


I came across your channel after seeing a comment of yours on a Captain Sinbad video. Severely underrated channel! The production quality is much better than I'd expect from a channel with this many subscribers. Keep it up!


Thank you for this, just watched the video. Lots of love from Kenya


I wanna go back to school to become a paramedic but I’m 25 and I hate going back to school an old fucking man.
