Understanding Django Media Files

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Setting up Django media files for development is about understanding what MEDIA_URL is and MEDIA_ROOT.
MEDIA_URL is simply a URL prefix (or "slug") that tells Django what the URL should look like when accessing media files from the MEDIA_ROOT.
Since we know that, understanding the MEDIA_ROOT is simple. It's just the directory that holds the files that users upload. One directory. Holds user uploads. That's it.
urlpatterns = [
# ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
This mysterious static () thing just generates a URL pattern in regex and appends it to the urlpatterns list.
Helpful links:
#Django #Python
MEDIA_URL is simply a URL prefix (or "slug") that tells Django what the URL should look like when accessing media files from the MEDIA_ROOT.
Since we know that, understanding the MEDIA_ROOT is simple. It's just the directory that holds the files that users upload. One directory. Holds user uploads. That's it.
urlpatterns = [
# ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
This mysterious static () thing just generates a URL pattern in regex and appends it to the urlpatterns list.
Helpful links:
#Django #Python
Understanding Django Media Files
Django Media Files - Handling User Uploads in Django Forms & Models
Configure Static & Media Files in Django | Python
Handling User Uploaded Files In Django: Setting Up Media Files Django Beginners Tutorial
Upload Images To Django - Django Wednesdays #38
Django Tutorial #17 - Uploading Media
Python Django Images - How to Upload & Display Images
Django Full Course in One Shot in Hindi | Master Django from Basics to Advanced in Hindi
[03]5 Configuring Django Media Files
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Python Developers... Learn DJANGO
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17. Serving Media Files During Development – Django by Example
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Django Media Files Settings | How to Use Static & Media Files in Django Projects
Static Files & Images | Django Framework (3.0) Crash Course Tutorials (pt 4)
Adding Media Directory In Django | Python Django Tutorials In Hindi #28
Python Django 7 Hour Course
DjangoCon US 2017 - Files in Django by Josh Schneier
How to Upload Files to S3 Using Django Storages
Django with AWS - S3 Buckets and CloudFront Distributions for Media Files
Learn Django - Implementing AWS S3 Storage for Static and Media files in Django