The Abraham Lincoln Theory That Would Change Everything

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Given just how many of them there are and how easily they're spread over the internet, it's easy to think that conspiracy theories are a relatively modern phenomenon. But the truth is they've been around for a long time. There were quite a few about President Abraham Lincoln's assassination, in fact.

There isn't a lot of evidence to back up the ideas that the 16th president of the United States may have faked his own death or known about it in advance. But some say they believe it could be the case. What are their arguments? Here's the Abraham Lincoln theory that would change everything.

#AbrahamLincoln #History #Theory

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INTERESTING. My mother rarely dreamed about horses (she was afraid if them), but every time she did one of our relatives died within days of the dream. Also, one time she dreamed that using certain numbers she won a tidy amount in the lottery. She got up and wrote down the numbers. She did win some money. For a while my dad would ask if she had another dream. The answer was always no.


Yeah, good ol' Abe has joined Elvis and Tupac living in hiding.


If Lincoln faked his death and put andrew johnson in charge, I'd lose all respect for him.


Location: Washington D.C.

Time period: 1861-1865

Case: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is accused of being a murderer and breaking the American Constitution law. The accusations stem from several controversial actions taken during his presidency, including the suspension of habeas corpus, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the use of military force against civilians. Additionally, it is alleged that Lincoln forced a one-day battle between the North and South at Antietam Hill, and if the South had won, they would not have had to secede, which some argue was unconstitutional. The South also wanted to be left alone, and had their own president, making the invasion of the South and forcing them to go to war with the North unconstitutional.


1. Abraham Lincoln - As the President of the United States, Lincoln is responsible for the aforementioned actions and could be held accountable for any wrongdoing.


1. Suspension of habeas corpus - During the Civil War, Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, which is a legal protection against arbitrary detention. This allowed for the arrest and imprisonment of individuals without trial, which some argue was a violation of the Constitution.

2. Emancipation Proclamation - In 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be set free. While this was a significant step towards ending slavery in the United States, some argue that it was an overreach of presidential power.

3. Use of military force against civilians - Lincoln authorized the use of military force against civilians during the Civil War, including the burning of Atlanta and the march to the sea. Some argue that these actions were war crimes and violated the laws of war.

4. One-day battle at Antietam Hill - It is alleged that Lincoln forced a one-day battle between the North and South at Antietam Hill, with the stipulation that the victor would be the overall victor and the South would not have to secede. Some argue that this was unconstitutional and a violation of the principles of democracy.

5. Emancipation Bill - The Emancipation Proclamation was used to start a whole entire war that resulted in the deaths of millions of people. Additionally, Lincoln allegedly made it law that anyone of fighting age in the North had to fight in the war or face prosecution by death or imprisonment, which some argue was unjust.

6. Treatment of Native Americans - Lincoln is also alleged to have been responsible for the killing of Native Americans in the thousands during the Civil War and before, while simultaneously claiming to be freeing slaves. This is considered hypocritical and unconstitutional.

7. Invasion of the South and forcing them to go to war with the North - The South wanted to be left alone and had their own president, making the invasion of the South and forcing them to go to war with the North unconstitutional.


Like I'd trust the word of a 19th century doctor on whether wounds were livable or not.
Those quacks wouldn't even wash their hands or sterilize their tools before operating.


Booth broke his leg…and I can’t feature Lincoln faking his death, unless he was escaping his wife (understandable).


The fact is he was shot on the 14th of April 1865…he died on the 15th


Lincoln, the man, the car the tunnel!


I think he had a premonition but not faked his death.


Today, with our medical technology, he could have been partially paralyzed and some cognitive issues.


He had dreams and promotions of his fatal day.


He had to take his death he was a vampire hunter lol


Lincoln was President during the height of spiritualism. Mary Todd used to have séances at the WH. Of course he would have dreams which would be popular topic in conversation. If he was a sensitive they would have meant something to him.


Ok it’s an interesting conjecture - let’s leave it at that 👀


He’s not exactly a person that blends in with the crowd. It could never have been pulled off.


mister lincoln's destiny by a dream and a vision believing in the promise of the host. who can rebel against him?


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Could you imagine living in a world without planes, automobiles, and any long distance communication? Abe Lincoln did. So it's not surprising that after he was shot, he was sent to a nearby boarding house instead of a hospital.


They didn't dribble enough mercury into the bullet hole quickly enough.


The man was simple yet complicated. He freed the slaves, although he only did it because he felt it would benefit the country...he didn't do it for Moral/Humane purposes.
