If PTSD Is Biological, Can it be Fixed? #roanokegaming #explained #science

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Well possibly, but dont hold your breath
#roanokegaming #explained #science
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According to the VA: “you don’t have PTSD, and if you do, it isnt related to your 3 tours in Iraq. Here’s some aspirin.”


As a man still handling PTSD. I volunteer myself to be a test subject. Idfc if it's experimental. I wanna be able to sleep for more then 3 hours at a time.


Psychology IS biology, and by that I mean your brain is an organ. It got PTSD from external stimuli, and so could in theory be fixed by external stimuli. But also, if certain chemical receptors have a direct effect on PTSD, then obviously the more biology focused approach can help or even work on its own.


I have pretty severe PTSD that was put into remission by IV ketamine infusions. It has honestly saved my life and I will advocate for use of psychedelics to treat mental health conditions until the day I die.


Mushrooms seem to be a promising treatment option


For whatever reason when it comes to mental health people like to ignore that the brain is also an organ that sometimes has issues just like any other organ


Living with CPtsd for the last 20ish years or so, I think a great fix is when everyone in your life constantly tells you to "think positively". That's a great one. *note the sarcasm. Please, note the sarcasm. If you don't I'll literally launch into the sun*


Ptsd is so nasty. I have it from years spent in an abusive home, and ive had moments where ive freaked out or shut down over something someone says that triggers unpleasant memories from my time as a helpless child.

Ive been in therapy for years, and a lot of it is decently managed now, i think. I still have noises that trigger me (loud banging noises, someone shouting, babies crying/screeching), but ive gotten better at avoiding/ignoring the stimulus.


Hearing someone that specializes in the biological side confirm that there’s a physical change was something I needed to hear more than I realized.


In my opinion, it's an issue of both psychology and biology. The mind is intangible, yet it is the manifestation of cognition and executive function. I believe PTSD is a physiological response to intangible thoughts and concepts and memories processed by the mind. Neurons are activated in a certain sequence which correlates to the mind remembering trauma, and then the autonomic side of things responds to those thoughts and emotions and activates the sympathetic nervous system which springs into action as if it was an actual fight or flight situation. Generally (GAD excepted) PTSD symptoms don't randomly occur in a person to whom nothing traumatic has occurred. It's the cognitive memory and the autonomic "memory" of the trauma which evokes a PTSD attack. Until we can 100% erase memories for good, I don't think we'll be able to fully cure PTSD. Physiology follows psyche in this case like a cascade.


The long debates between Roanoke and his wife must be quite entertaining lol.


In some sense that concept is similar to seasonal depression that triggers during winter, the lack of vitamin D. We, humans, like to believe we are in control of everything but a chemical imbalance can literally spiral us into anxiety.


I mean. There already are “cures”. Literally entire branches of psychology treating it very effectively.


Just wanted to say (again), I’d PAY to watch you and your wife discussing the “psychology vs biology” argument. It would be one of the most interesting “debates” in my eyes


Biology vs psychology seems like the chicken and the egg argument. Both are entangled with each other. Psychology can influence biology (placebo, epigenetics) but biology can obviously also influence psychology (adhd, hormones, etc).


Both..I know my daughter's anxiety flares up when her B12 iron is low


Hi I have ptsd and I have degrees in psychology and biochemistry. The answer to is ptsd one or the other. The answer is both. When you experience a traumatic event you brain literally becomes rewired in order to avoid those future events or know how to experience those future events better. Problem is, if it’s traumatic enough it over does the wiring of neurons in your frontal lobe and parietal lobes leading to those ptsd symptoms. That’s the biological, the psychological comes in with dealing and working with said events. When a traumatic event happens, it is proven that if you are psychologically prepared for it you’re less likely to be severely traumatized by it. So the thinking is to properly treat it, use ketamine treatments to rewire brain structure as well as psychological therapies to keep the wiring in place and even develop better reactions. Because unfortunately, you can never completely rewire your brain post traumatic event so the best way is to rewire some of it and use cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy to better process said event to relieve symptoms and even completely get rid of symptoms all while keeping the lessons of said events. Currently the best way to get rid of ptsd is exposure therapy, reliving therapy via virtual reality, and/of cognitive behavioral therapy! Gotta keep with it and yes it will hurt… A LOT, but once it’s done you’ll feel better than you ever have. And I know, cuz I’ve done it. I had ptsd and it’s now in remission.


I think you're both right. After a tramatic event your cortisol levels stay extremely high for a while. I think when you open those flood gates its harder to close.


seeing as human consciousness is just a series of electrical impulses, if you had the know how, you could reset it.


Even if psyche isnt strictly biology, it still goes through the jelly meat between the ears, so it is impacted by the capacity of the brain. While computers arent a perfect metaphor, the hardware a computer has impacts how the software runs and the same can be said for anything that has to handle information, such as neurons. Even if the issue is ultimately with the signals going along the nerves, keeping the nerves in good condition can still improve quality of life and create a better opportunity to fix the signals.
