my favourite summer books

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Have you read any of these? Let me know!

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Frequently Asked Questions:
😇 How old are you? 22
📝 What are you studying? I just finished studying English Literature at the University of Exeter. But we are students for life, and I hope that I will continue learning even though I am out of structured education.

Tea Recommendations:
🍵 any kind of chocolate tea 🙈
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Oh please do continue with this concept of seasonal book recommendations!😄🥰 I’m so excited to see what books you’d recommend for Autumn & Winter which are my favourite seasons too!🍁❄️


Love this video concept Ruby! Do you think you'll do one for fall??? I would love to see your fall book recommendations and I'm sure many others would too! Also, if you haven't read it, you should read Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. It feels like a modern American classic and it's absolutely beautiful. It also talks a lot about faith which I think you'd enjoy and it's such a good fall/winter read!!!


South Dakota isnt in the deep south. Its Northern midwest. Very different from the south.


I would always recommend „Bonjour Tristesse“ to read in summer - it‘s marvellous


I totally agree with To Kill A Mockingbird as a summer book. Its description of heat and the sweat still sears my mind.


The concept behind Winesburg, Ohio sounds similar to Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine. For anyone seeking a slow-paced story about the passage of summer through the eyes of a small town, Dandelion Wine by Bradbury could be another great choice :)


If you have not read it yet, I highly recommend the book Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. It is both a coming of age story about a young girl left alone in a shack in the marshes of North Carolina as well as a murder thriller. An excellent version of the book just came out as a movie in the US in July produced by Reese Witherspoon’s movie company. The descriptions of the marsh and nature are very much a part of the story. 🥰


As someone living in the Deep South in the USA, South Dakota is not part of this area. I can see why there is confusion but it is northern Midwest. Similar in some ways but very different in other ways. Great list. I love Harper Lee and this year read the book Furious Hours by Casey Cep, all about Harper Lee’s life. One of the fascinating parts is that she grew up knowing Truman Capote. What a unique life she led. I need to read Atonement.


Ruby… you the the most amazing and inspiring YouTube - er ever. Your hard work, discipline… concentration, dedication… humility… is inspiring a generation of people all over the world.

I pray one day I have a daughter like you. Your parents must be super proud. Keep up the amazing work and do not pay attention to any negatives comments on here.

Your amazing. In every way possible. Promise! ❤️


This is lovely; Ive finally gotten back to reading this summer (after a very long time, maybe 5 years?). I forgot how fun it was to delve into a fantasy world, especially with a lot of philosophical and heavy readings we have to do in school


Even though summer is about to end, I always dig up any book recommendations from you. Small town stories always remind me of the later months of summer and the first of autumn.


I wonder if anyone else does this. When ever I’m watching these videos and ruby is recommending a bunch of books any that I think would be interesting and that I want to read I pause the video and find the book on Goodreads and add it to my want to read list. Even though it’s currently winter here in Australia. For me the best summer reads are the little house books. Farmer boy is my favourite because I just think all the food that is described in all of the books but especially farmer boy sounds good.


My British heart cried when I saw that you made your tea with hot water FROM THE TAP WITHOUT BOILING IT 🥲😂


Tender is the Night has incredible descriptions of summer in Europe as well! It's one of my favorite summer novels of all time, it's so descriptive and sweet and lazy.


The rustic decor of your home is just so beautiful. Coming to your channel is always like taking a long breath of fresh air. 💕


You should start a podcast! weather it be about books or something else your voice is so calming! also perfect for ASMR.


Oh my gosh Ruby!! I have used that quote for years-“The past is a different country, they do things differently there, ” for years because I saw it somewhere once. I liked it but have never really taken the time to look it up, I just think it’s an epic, dramatic quote lol!


I love seeing your book collection. I always find some incredible recommendations that I end up loving 😅💜


The fact that you made everything so cozy with the tea and books is amazing 😤


Thank you, Miss Granger, for the recommendations. One of the quotes I live by comes from To Kill A Mockingbird, “Courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.”
