How To Up Winrate and Damage by Account | WoT Blitz

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In this video, I will give you 10 tips to help you improve your stats.
Most players have less than 50% and 1000 average damage, let's fix that :D

🥇 My account on EU: SweatchMan
📺 Preview: Adobe Photoshop
🎥 Video: Final Cut Pro X
🎞 Replays: SweatchMan
🔊 Sounds: SoundQ
💻 Device: MacBook Pro 13 m1 8/256

0:00 intro
1:20 1 tip
1:44 2 tip
2:29 3 tip
2:52 4 tip
3:11 5 tip
3:31 6 tip
3:43 7 tip
4:02 8 tip
4:22 9 tip
5:01 10 tip
5:19 conclusion
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the hardest part is not get braindead teammates


Tank types and suitable playstyle

1. If you on light tank, stay on the move. Most players don't know what is mean by "shell velocity". Use this as advantage as players who aim at you will definitely missed bc your tank is moving fast. You can circle turetless TD as most of is the hull turn rate is slow.

2. Tank destroyers (TD), either has crazy firing rate like AT 2 or has crazy damage per shot like FV215b (183). There's TD that has very thick armour like AT 2, AT 7 are suitable for any positions. TD that has "no armour" is always need in camping position, as if you in front line in these tanks you will be targeted at first bc your tank is easy to destroy. But in Asia TD and heavy tank roles are switched.

3. Medium tanks. Good as support vehicle. If you don't know what i mean it's is to support or help frontliners to destroy enemy lines and help TDs to destroy tank that out-circling them.

4. Heavy tanks: U know, has good armour or properly designed to bounce some shells like 60TP.

One tip for u: About dispersion, you don't need to it completely shrinked to take accurate shots. Me in T42 who plays it in full speed and max dispersion can have 8 out of 10 of penetrating shots. It's just depends on average accuracy of that tank.


First tip: Pray that your team is decent


For me win rate or average dmg per battle isn't the matter, what I want is playing on my favorite tanks and enjoy the game as it had lots of memories for me. I remember playing in a platoon with my dad around 8 years ago...🥰


1 thing I learned just getting back into this game is that you always have to be flexible and if you’re trying to flank to not flank too far as to become cut off from the rest of your team. And don’t become decisively engaged with a bigger enemy.


Well this is a Surprised Find today! Your ideas for future vids are great especially for us newer players. There is really little content presently that is offered for newer players. Strategies for each map is just one great idea. GL growing your channel and you have my Subscribed!


Bro, the worst thing for me was playing many, many, MANY battles in su-152, kv-2, rhm, T49 which made me lower my avg damage. But after I realised this isn't the best thing to do I decited to improve. Now with 5 years of experience I can easily say it was the best thing I could do. I have 3000-3200 wn8 every month and 2700-3000 avg damage a month too. And honestly this video is very good for new players or players that came back to the game after a long break.


When you have played 30k battles with almost every tank and you regularly watch half your shells bounce and have occasional 10 loss streaks - you begin to see the game is totally rigged. Watch how your shells go nowhere in some battles and others pen everything. As soon as I have 3 bounces in a row I just aim for the nearest enemy and lift my turret.


I never played fun modes, but now im going to do it. Thanks


I play alot in platoon but the problem is either the matchmaking takes too long or most teams I get are fully braindamaged


Thank u for this video, not much blitz youtubers share this tips.. They just keep it to themself... Except Hisroyalfatness and bushka


I played 11k battles with wr 51.24%, struggled from 8k battles and have 48% wr before.. I manage to climb a lil bit.. And only have 31 Ace badge, its hard on APAC server


If only I this video was available when I started! Great advice and it definitely is helping my win rate and survival rate.


Woah very nice indeed and btw can you tell me what t7 tank should i buy? I only have one tier 7 tank which is the Tiger-1


remember guys, dont play for stats play for fun. at the end of the day what use is it if ur not having fun with good statistics..?


Even as a 60% player (59.95 right now actually ☹️) I’m a big proponent of the 5th tip 3:13. I have an issue with no-nonsense getting my tank to the presumably strongest position for it, and expect all my teammates to be of equal skill and knowledge and do the same. If I’m medium I’ll just expect any other mobile allies to follow suit to win med side, and if they don’t I get frustrated but keep chugging forward anyway. If I’m heavy and my heavies are fracturing to different places, I get annoyed but try to get my tank to a hull down/side scrape somewhere near heavy side. If I’m alone I’ll get annoyed but again, I won’t back from my position as on paper it’s the “best.” Sometimes I need to get better at putting away the “rulebook” and just going with the chaotic flow. I struggle to adapt


I had 46% air 2 years ago, with 600-800 average damage, now with almost 7k of battles, I went up to 50.70 of wr, with 1k of average damage, My average damage is low because I didn't play well with pudel, which is the most played tank on my account because it's my first premium tank.


YOLO is best strat in this game. I'm personally a 59.90% YOLO player, go big or go to garage.


My winrate is 47 and avg dpm 1175 and i only play tier 10 and 7 but i do everything u say and my teamates just wont help me when i am in trobule i always help my teamates
