IMPOSSIBLE EASTER EGG Update and BREAKTHROUGH! Black Ops 3 9 year Easter Egg SOLVED?

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The Impossible Easter Egg in Black Ops 3 zombies has had brand new breatkthroughs and even a potential solve, recently the community has had many new theories and updates to the unsolvable easter egg in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 zombies. The Hypercube the KN 44 and even Apothicon language and secret menus in the Black Ops 3 campaign. Today we discuss the latest developments on the impossible ee and more evidence to suggest where its going.
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“Now that we’ve established a link between a lot of the bo3 campaign stuff with the zombies universe, we can talk about the crucifixion of Jesus” that’s a wild transition lmao


The gobblegum description being used as a cypher for the hypercube and actually turning out to be a coherent sentence is insane.


Blundell made a whole community schizophrenic


I feel bad for current COD devs. They are clearly putting out a somewhat good product, but without the right visionary at the helm, their games will never be talked about - with as much intrigue & for as long - as any zombies before BO4. Those games felt like they were made to be timeless marks on the industry; current COD feels like a hamster wheel of mediocre content to hold you over until the next big update.


What if the impossible Easter egg was the friends we made along the way


Zombies community: math, god, nuclear mysticism, windows
Ee by blundel: plan text ‘lol, no Great War?’


Thanks for including me in your video! A lot of work was done to help solve this EE and it’s nice to see you upload this video 😊


10:17 is one of the wildest sentences in a Zombies video


(Unpopular opinion) DOA has 64 levels that some streamers called arenas, this might relate to the chessboard prisoner puzzle.


This is absolutely my speculation, but I truly don't believe Jason would've made such a big deal about the egg if it wasn't at the very least mostly implemented in content accessible to the community at the time he began teasing the egg. It would be so short-sighted and honestly just dumb, to announce to a EE focused community of players that "the hunt is on!" When you know that significant pieces involved in that hunt wouldn't be available to any hunters for 2-3 more years. Plus as someone working behind the scenes, he would've been well aware how much things can fluctuate with a project in the gaming industry, so placing his bets on a title that probably hadn't even entered serious development yet, would be bonkers. I think people are running to far from the target with this "multiple arenas" thing, like sure, technically including a physical hint in the real world *somewhere near Breslau, Germany* could be what "multiple arenas" meant, but seriously, it's infinitely more likely he was referring to something like the bo3 campaign, zombies comic series in publication at the time.

I also am quite confident that if the actual 'solution' was found and discussed in the wider zombies community, *eventually* he would speak up and confirm we solved it. It's not like he'd have to be refreshing the cod zombies subreddit constantly to keep tabs on the search, it's pretty easy to set up keyword notifications for google search, using obscure but relevant combinations of terms, or check in every year or so to see if legitimate progress has been made. IDK, if I were him, I'd want to see an ee I put tons of effort into, finally be solved by people years later.


idk if its noteworthy or not, but the room in Infection that was a map of the giant, the floor has black and white tiles like a checkerboard


I feel like more people would be onboard on trying to solve the impossible EE if there was a way that we know we solved it. Right now, there's no indication and we don't know if we solved it or not, because we have no idea what we are looking for. Hell, the KN-44 hypercube thing might not even be the impossible EE for all we know. We just know that Jason claims that we will never solve "it", whatever "it" is.


C'mon Jason u said after 8 years u would tell us... tick tock tick tock lol


In my opinion, Al's hat was always just meant to be a way to go back to base stats. Like, what if you wanted to get ride of your purple perks and benefit? Just use Al's hat


Jason Blundel on his death bed: "The impossible easter egg involves-" *[DIES]*


It should be noted that up until later in bo4’s development, it was made as a sequel. It was eventually made into a prequel. That’s why we have the ICR-7 instead of the ICR-1. Also why many guns look more futuristic. That’s not to say the kn-57 doesn’t hold relevance.


I kinda feel like Jason is pulling our leg. As interesting as this unsolved Easter egg is part of me keeps wondering if he’s just keeping us in a loop to keep us entertained. Also part of me thinks we’re looking at it wrong. What if it’s a date in 44 ww2 was still going on and there were many inventions during The end of the war and I feel like it could have something to do with that. Also the biblical references is very interesting


The relevancy to the kn42a3 and 43a3 is that why does the kn57 exist in a prequel?


Dude, I am so into shit like this in video games and just in general. Super Secret Hidden EE's. That's one of the main things that got me into zombies in the first place. All of the obscure and mysterious lore and secrets. This Super EE could just end up not really being anything, but regardless, even then, it still is **Super** interesting and intriguing.


Dear LORD this is why I am in this community, the amount of AMAZING dedication and work is astounding, much love Chopper, this video is fantastic.
