Insane Plagues From the Bible That Tortured Egypt

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Pestilence, death of the firstborn, and frogs? Check out today's epic new video that looks back at one of the most famous stories in the Bible, the dreaded ten plagues of Egypt, and reveals what was really going on when Moses cursed the Pharoh for enslaving the Jewish people.


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These plagues were also used to disprove a different god of Egypt's society:
1. Nile to blood: Hapi, the God of the annual flooding
2. frogs: Heket, Goddess of fertility, water, renewal (had the head of a frog)
3. lice: Geb, the god of the Earth
4. flies: Khepri: God of creation, movement of the Sun and rebirth (had the head of a fly)
5. livestock: Hathor, Goddess of love and protection (had the head of a cow)
6. boils: Isis, God of medicine and peace
7. hail: Nut, Goddess of the sky
8. locust: Seth, God of storms and disorder
9. darkness: Ra, God of the sun
10. first born: Pharaoh, the ultimate power of Egypt
"If you're telling me that your gods are real and mine is fake, but my God controls these things, who actually is in power?"


I am a Christian and the explanations you have given mostly seem to be scientifically feasible except 9 10 and the parting of the red sea are only explainable as miracles of God and thank you for being respectful of our beliefs and not totally disregarding these miracles


I’m a Christian, but personally I *LOVE* the scientific explanation of these! It’s very cool to know!


Very nice video and explanations !
I saw a documentary on this as well. Another theory for the death of the first born children was that after all the previous plagues, the food was scarce and they had to pick from old stored food (stored multiple years or months ago).But this food was contaminated by a bacteria. Since the first born were the ones to which the more food was given, they reached higher levels of toxicity and died from a disease caused by the bacteria.


"Imagine grabbing some emergency flatbread for ur family as u flee slavery an thousands of yrs later ppl are still talking about your messed up bread" this had me dead!!!! I never thought of this part of the Bible


Prologue: Staff into Snake 🐍
1st Plague: Water into Blood 💧🩸
2nd Plague: Frogs 🐸
3rd Plague: Gnats or Lice 🦟
4th Plague: Flies 🪰
5th Plague: Diseased Livestock 🐂🐄🐑🐐🐎🐪
6th Plague: Boils and Sores 🦠
7th Plague: Hail and Thunder ⚡❄🔥
8th Plague: Locusts 🦗
9th Plague: Darkness 🌑☁️
10th Plague: Firstborn Deaths ☠😢
Epilogue: Red Sea Parting 🌊


Covid: *appears*
The world: *freaks out*
Egypt: oh Moses is back. Lit


A very important information, does not only concern the last plague: All plagues were directed against the 10 most important Egyptian gods, starting with the Nile god, called Hapi, and ending with the mockery of the sun god Ra and as you mentioned, the 'Divine Pharaoh'


Fun fact: Each Plague was actually a Insult as well as an Attack on 10 of Egypt's own gods !!!


Highly recommend the animated movie The Prince of Egypt. I'm not even religious, but it's one of my *favorite* movies


As an average person who just goes about their day and occasionally watching good videos like this: Scientific explanations like this about biblical events along with depictions in the bible always fascinate me in their perplexing similarity and simultaneous contrast from each other. All these things could, and have, happen naturally, yet at the same time such an apocalyptic event just FEELS like something more was going on. It could go either way. I just love how religious tales and actual science can coexist. "Was it god?" Maybe! "Was it simply a natural event" Definitely! But what I adore is the possibility that it could have been BOTH. Everyone always says God works in mysterious ways, whether referring to his methods, his actions, or the motives behind them. It ain't always to see what he's trying to do, or even what he's doing at all! Perhaps someone who created a world like ours wouldn't need to do much to defend its people. Someone like him would probably already know so much about it's ins and outs that when faced with smiting an entire nation to free an enslaved people of worshippers he may not even need to bring down his godly powers. All he'll need to do is feed the algae!


I recommend watching The Prince of Egypt or Moises and The 10 Commandments the show, they do the story justice and there amazing to watch


the explanation about the death of the first born son couldn't be any more wrong. if they died because of exposure to pests while working in the fields, then why did the prince died too if he wasn't working in the fields.


I never been more glad to have been born in modern times than when I learned about the 10th plague of Egypt. I'm the first born of my mother's family. While I'm not sure if my older half siblings on my father's side would've made a difference the fact that I come so uncomfortably close to the requirements is scary enough.


I very strongly believe that these events happened hand-in-hand. I believe that things that don’t have an explanation, the Lord has the answer. He gave us many gifts of discovery, including the science behind how things work.


"and thousands of years later people are still talking about your messed up bread."

Top tier. Love it.


Your the best youtuber keep up the hard work this helps a lot of people


The insane knowledge this man know is so insane, like i been watching you for YEARS and i feel so smart watching your vids keep up the good work man.


I watched a video trying to prove that Rameses the 3rd was the Pharoah the Bible talk about. He made pretty good sense and his research was spot on.


So, the first born plague. I've always wondered if that extended through all generations. Did great grandpa die too because he was the first born of his family? Dads? Or, just those not yet adults?
