The Dark Eye - Chains of Satinav

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Chains of Satinav is a Story... somewhat a fairytale, that plays in the universe of The Dark Eye. The Dark Eye (Das Schwarze Auge) is originally a Pen and Paper game and it's basically the german equivalent to Dungeons and Dragons. It just got it's own lore and world.

Back to the game itself. So Chains of Satinav is a Point and Click Adventure in a pretty classic form. You got the new advancements of having only two buttons and not have to click on a action like Look at, Walk to, Take, Speak to and so on. You only click left, so that the character walks to the point you where clicking at, and if it was a object you can interact with, your character will to that. In the most cases it's only commenting to it. The right click is basically your character describing what you see and what he thinks about it.

If you move your mouse down to the lower point of the screen, your inventory will pop up. There you can use a spell your character knows, interact 2 object with eachother or to take a object and interact with it on an object or character on the screen.

So what happens in the Video. Your character named Geron is in the middle of a "easter egg" hunt, to find 4 hidden copper oak leaves. He already found 3 of them and know that olgierd took the remaining copper leaf to prevent you from winning the hunt. So Olgierd teams up with his bully Ulfried and overpower Geron, that he accidentally drops 1 of his 3 leafes into the pigs trough.
Now your Goal is to get the leaf that did fell into the pigs trough, but now they are munching on the food thats in there and Geron doesn't want to reach his hand into it. And the second goal is to convince Olgierd, to give back your copper leaf.

So if anyone skipped the beginning, now you know why i was running around in this little town.
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