Everything Wrong with Pokémon Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl

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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are fun games, but they have quite a few problems that could have been avoided.

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Edited by Katie Rose!

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oh also making TMs break again is dumb. Forgot to mention that


I think the problem comes down to one thing overall: They were too faithful, and too unfaithful, both in the wrong places


locking Eevee and it's evolutions to the post game in addition to returning to single use tms, really soured BD/SP for me.


15:34 "These games might be the buggiest in a decade"

Well, that aged quickly.


When you can’t catch an Eevee, but there is an insane amount of EVs in the league


I agree that the gym leaders should have been buffed as well. It's pretty dumb that the E4 suddenly throws strategy at you out of no where.


12:32 I was getting through it ok till I saw the Mini Rayquaza, he litterally tiny and *gliding* HSAUHSAU


The final 4 was so frustrating to me. I hated that I had to abandon the pokemon I've been with since the beginning of my journey but I needed the type advantage. Even then my team would get sweeped because everyone had earthquake for some reason. I do hold my Mamoswine named Floof in high regard, as the power of our friendship is the sole reason Cynthia's Garchomp went down. The friendship Mechanic was the only reason I won against Cynthia as my Mamoswine survived two back to back earthquakes because of our friendship. Thank you Floof


For the whole “Elite 4 are too hard” thing, I think that the issue is how difficult it is in comparison to the straight-up baby mode that makes up the previous 99% of the game


Playing Shining Pearl has made me realize what we wanted was a remake of Platinum. It also made me realize that they have no idea what players like and why


“These might be the buggiest games on release ever”
Scarlet and violet- Hold my beer


SP was my husband's very first ever pokemon game. (As soon as he saw we could play together in the underground, he went and bought his own switch and a copy of the game.) Watching him get so frustrated battling the E4 and Cynthia over and over and over again broke my heart. But he did eventually get through, after abandoning the team he'd first made and loved. Luckily that experience didn't completely turn him off pokemon and he's since played SWSH and LA and is very excited for SV to come out so we can play co-op together~


Man, seeing a tiny Rayquaza following the player is absolutely hilarious for all the wrong reasons.


I think the issue with the elite 4 being 'difficult' is that the rest of the game is, quite genuinely, piss easy


I actually love that they made the Elite 4 and Cynthia competitively trained. It's just they made the difficulty curve WAY too steep. I didn't grind on my play through and I was way overleveled by five to ten levels up until the Elite 4 where I was about five to ten levels underleved. They could have made the level scaling and difficulty curve a hell of a lot better. I would love if they'd give Pokemon games difficulty settings, but I highly doubt we'll ever see that in future titles. I also wish they'd give us a toggle for the exp share like they did in Gen 6.


I like the idea of the super hard league but I agree it should be as a rematch. Not the first play through. Also think it would be cool if in a future game there was a feature after you beat the league where once a day or once a week you had to defend your title as champion. It could put you up against a trainer with a somewhat random team of competitively viable Pokémon. And maybe if you lose that trainer becomes the champion that you have to beat to reclaim the title.


The thing that really frustrates me is that the eevee is locked until national dex. Its because the ice pokemons in the sinnoh dex are physical instead of special (weavile n abomasnow). But most of their ice moveset are special :(


I really wish it was like ORAS, adding more to story and characterization. Cyrus is a notable standout who they could have done more with since he's received pretty interesting character development since DP, with Platinum establishing a motive as to why he hates emotions (his relationship with his parents was very toxic to the point his grandfather wanted to take custody of the kid, but never did, with him failing to live up to their super high expectations and probably dealing with depression as a result), Ultra seemed to imply some possible remorse, asking if things could have been different had he met you sooner, after learning how your bonds with others made you so strong (and had him be fascinated by your Rotom Dex), and the Cyrus you meet in Masters is notably fixated on Rotom (it's possible that old notebook with the unknown author in Platinum's Rotom room is actually his), had Sophocles try to befriend him, and had Cynthia even state she thinks he could change.

It felt like they were building up some interesting character development for a remake, but they threw it away by making it so faithful.


I got swept by Cynthia for like 15 consecutive attempts, took a 3 month break and finally came back with a team of level 70-75s with the best move sets I could get for said mon’s. It felt so damn good to completely decimate her after the immense frustration she caused me.


At least if you have PLA you can use Home to send the pokemon over to evolve them with linking cables, stones, and other items since you don't have to trade in PLA to get the pokemon. Which is AMAZING
