Vision Test Tips - Remove Anxiety and Get Perfect Prescription Glasses - Eye Doctor Explains

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Question of the Day: Whether or not you need prescription glasses, do you regularly use sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun? Leave your answer in the comments!!

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👓About This Video: In this video, Dr. Vijay Shenai from True Focus Eye Care shares how to take the vision test, tips to get a better prescription glasses, and to remove anxiety during the vision test all through the eyes of the patient. Dr. Shenai will also explain why you received a bad prescription, and that it was most likely not your's or the doctor's fault. I hope you enjoy this video!!

#GetAnEyeExam #ClearVision #EyeGlassesTips #VisionTestTips #Optometry #EyeCare #Glasses #Sunglasses #TrueFocusEyeCare #VijayShenai
Рекомендации по теме

Question of the Day: Whether or not you need prescription glasses, do you regularly use sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun?


I have an anxiety of going to any doctors but this video really helped me. I have an eye test in 2 days. 😊


I have really bad anxiety leaving the house in general. Going to appointments freaks me out, and I have an eye exam tomorrow that I am really nervous about.


I thought I was the only one having anxiety for doing an eye exam! I always feel like I sometimes don't pick the best choice but it's all in my head. I've got glasses with a cylinder now for the first time and it takes a lot to adjust to them, never had it this tough.


My issue is that i feel like I don't have the best judgement when it comes to deciding if one option was better than the other. Sometimes it's hard to tell.


Thank you for this. I always feel like I said the wrong thing


Sir I am 16 yo and am afraid of eye tests. Due to this I don't go for eye tests and am wearing underpowered glasses.please help


Took my little girl for her first eye test recently and turns out she has mommy's bad eyesight eyes ❤️ she's much happier having glasses now, she told me that she could finally properly see the illustrations on the bedtime story books I've been reading her 🥺🥰🤓❤️ she's so cute with her beautiful specs!


Been using glasses since second grade. Nice video. Best of luck. Love the eye 👁 with the music skills


I had an eye test from a through optician who I clearly remember saying 'Why are you on bifocals, you should not be on bifocals for at least 10 more years'. Always check if it's a optician who does give you a chance for a second opinion.


I`ve found that optometrists like to rush through those selections of 1 or 2 or 3 without giving you enough time to focus after looking through different lenses on that machine, the eyes need to adjust, takes a little more than a split second sometimes, it`s very annoying how they race through it and probably why some prescriptions don`t turn out so great


I have an eye exam for eyeglasses this Friday and I’ve been feeling a bit anxious. But this video really helped me get rid of most of it, thankyou😊


I appreciate your sincerity! Both of us are (were) nearsighted. My only question was this;
Did i cause my own (myopia entry) by my nose on page reading habit.
For me, the answer is yes. I wish you could do more to prevent this for your own children, when they get down to 20/50. That is the only suggestion that I have. Do you have any thoughts about this for your kids?


I have an eye exam in like 2 days and this really helped me feel a bit better about it!my vision was great before online learning ;-; now i cant see too far ahead of me without it being blurry😔 but im glad im going in for that eye test now


Update after my last comment 2 weeks ago, my eye exam went great! I could say it was a bit fun. Got to pick out my frame and now its another 2 week wait till i get them👍🏼


Had the worst re appointment today. The last eye prescription was incorrect so i went back to them. They re checked it and refused to write the new prescription down for me. They just told me to give them the glasses and they'll 'deal with it'. I didn't get my glasses made from them as they use cheaper quality lens. When i told them I just wanted the new prescription written down and I'll get it made elsewhere. They started getting mad at me. The doctor said i was making things up and being overdramatic. He said my eyes are fine and i need to stop being so 'grumpy'. ( i am really introverted and shy. And i was polite throught the entire experience) I want to cry. I just want to have clear vision. Tomorrow I'll go to a new optometrist . Hope he is as nice as you are and helps me out. Thankyou for making these videos ❤


You are a very good Dr. The ones we usuall experince aren't as clear or profesional. God bless


When I was younger I went to the eye doctors and my vision at that time was barely blurry at all. I got these glasses that were pretty useless, didn’t fit, looked bad, and actually made my vision worse. (I don’t think it was the doctors fault or my fault at the time, mostly the bad decision on frames and also I think because the glasses had same prescription for both eyes.) Even now, when my vision has deteriorated a lot, they don’t work. It sucks because I’m kinda afraid to go back in case it gets messed up again because I direly need glasses. So thanks for this video.


My eye exam wasn't so thorough. They just gave me 2 or 3 choices and they used that simple device where you need to get the lense out first and put the next one so I wasn't even sure which one was better.


I went to eye docter he said I need glasses and I was happy bc I rlly wanted glasses
