What is Reactive Programming? | Tech Primers

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This video covers the Reactive Programming with an example using RxJava implementation of React Programming.

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🎬Video Editing: iMovie

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#ReactiveProgramming #RxJava #TechPrimers
Рекомендации по теме

I found this video is helpful, the style is to keep it simple and understandable. It explained what is reactive programming and used an example to demonstrate how to write a simple reactive program using Netflix Observalbe. Well done!


The example explained is good for beginners, but looking for more explanation on Reactive programming concepts. The title and video is not matching.
Maybe you could have given title as First Reactive program using netflix RxJava API.


You start by telling the purpose of the code before straight explaining line by line. I saw the video and it was explaining lines instead of telling first what are we trying to achieve .


There was no need to create a fancy Spring boot skeleton for this demo.
