Soundpaint Guitar - 1958 Thunderstick - Walkthrough

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The 1958 Thunderstick is another sweet little guitar from the collection of Darren Jones. This library is fun to play and is full of sonic possibilities. This vintage guitar has all the original parts (minus strings) including electronics, which give a very wooly and saturated tone.
It wasn't enough to simply sample the sounds of this beautiful vintage guitar. Darren experimented with these guitar samples, providing new articulations, like rolling the volume and different slide prototypes. He sampled this guitar in a completely modern way to hone in on the best characteristics of this instrument. The result, a smoothe playing guitar with a bass-heavy, gnarly, gritty sound.
This is a really fun guitar with sampled tube amp, clean, and fuzz pedal sounds. Including palm mutes, slides, sustains, rolls, and transitions this wealth of samples and different guitar sounds gives a very rich and versatile guitar. In Soundpaint, the possibilities have never been greater.
The 1958 Thunderstick is $30
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0:00 Intro
0:55 The 1958 Thunderstick with Darren Jones
8:59 Main Amp Palm
10:15 Main Amp Slide
11:04 Main Amp Sust
13:46 Main Amp Sustain
18:09 Main Auto Wah
20:07 Main Ballad Chorus
24:15 Main Clean Slide
25:54 Main Electric
29:10 Main Octave
32:37 Main Palm Clean
33:13 Main Pitch Harmonics
33:55 Main Solo Amp
34:40 Main
36:04 Main Trans
38:35 Roller Delay
41:00 Slide Me MW
42:33 Subtle Arp
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Soundpaint™ is a new analog-style sampling technology.
Soundpaint renders all instruments in real-time in 127 dynamic velocity layers. It shortens the distance from idea to realization. Instantly morph a waterdrop with a violin. Play the most iconic instruments of all time in exquisite realism and fidelity. True analog-modeled effects. Advanced and organic arpeggiator. A deep matrix for those who desire.
Welcome to the dawn of Real-Time Sampling™
It wasn't enough to simply sample the sounds of this beautiful vintage guitar. Darren experimented with these guitar samples, providing new articulations, like rolling the volume and different slide prototypes. He sampled this guitar in a completely modern way to hone in on the best characteristics of this instrument. The result, a smoothe playing guitar with a bass-heavy, gnarly, gritty sound.
This is a really fun guitar with sampled tube amp, clean, and fuzz pedal sounds. Including palm mutes, slides, sustains, rolls, and transitions this wealth of samples and different guitar sounds gives a very rich and versatile guitar. In Soundpaint, the possibilities have never been greater.
The 1958 Thunderstick is $30
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0:00 Intro
0:55 The 1958 Thunderstick with Darren Jones
8:59 Main Amp Palm
10:15 Main Amp Slide
11:04 Main Amp Sust
13:46 Main Amp Sustain
18:09 Main Auto Wah
20:07 Main Ballad Chorus
24:15 Main Clean Slide
25:54 Main Electric
29:10 Main Octave
32:37 Main Palm Clean
33:13 Main Pitch Harmonics
33:55 Main Solo Amp
34:40 Main
36:04 Main Trans
38:35 Roller Delay
41:00 Slide Me MW
42:33 Subtle Arp
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Soundpaint™ is a new analog-style sampling technology.
Soundpaint renders all instruments in real-time in 127 dynamic velocity layers. It shortens the distance from idea to realization. Instantly morph a waterdrop with a violin. Play the most iconic instruments of all time in exquisite realism and fidelity. True analog-modeled effects. Advanced and organic arpeggiator. A deep matrix for those who desire.
Welcome to the dawn of Real-Time Sampling™