Soundpaint - Ukuleles - Official Walkthrough

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The small stature of these two Martin ukuleles don't reveal the beautiful world of emotion within until you pluck each of their delicate strings. While there is a softness and rich quality to their tone, there is also a warmth that can signal joys of laughter and the most lamenting and sorrowful cries of regret. How can such tiny instruments pack such a wide range of sounds and fully embrace the human element? The possibilities begin and end with your imagination.

Strums, 5th chords, power chords, and everything that you need to create a beautiful ukulele track exist right out of the box. By combining strums with sustains, an ambient soundtrack is easily in the making. Add a touch of reverb, and there is bowed magnificence at your disposal, such grandeur and eloquence. The almost harp-like and clear resonance of a naked sample is great for accompaniment as well as solo pieces -- the kind that bare the soul. Navigate the entire emotional spectrum with this outstanding and original bed of sound.

Ukuleles is $40

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0:00 Intro
5:33 Ukulele Instrument Overview
10:53 Parts with Natalie
18:48 Making Programs
23:49 Programs with Natalie
23:52 Program - Ukuleles 1928 Piano (Hidden Gem)
25:11 Program - Ukuleles 1965 Melody Maker (Hidden Gem)
26:25 Program - Ukuleles 1975 Soul (Hidden Gem)
27:27 Program - Ambience Chords 1
29:03 Program - Ambience Chords 2
29:46 Program - Arp Cine
31:04 Program - Bionic
31:57 Program - Drum
32:56 Program - Factory
33:51 Program - Fallen
35:16 Program - Floating (Hidden Gem)
36:53 Program - Grotto
37:58 Program - Kora Vollen (Hidden Gem)
39:08 Program - Low Pulse
40:12 Program - Main Ambi
41:39 Program - Main Chords
43:16 Program - Main Perc
43:46 Program - Main Pizz
45:00 Program - Main Rain
46:15 Program - Main Softie
46:40 Program - Main Solo 1
47:32 Program - Main Solo 2
48:37 Program - Mirage
50:00 Program - Old Days
50:40 Program - One Note
51:41 Program - Pad Man
52:47 Program - Pointy
53:25 Program - Rain Harp
54:10 Program - Rhythm
55:17 Program - Stranded
56:23 Program - Strum 5th
57:06 Program - Strum Me
57:43 Program - Supersonic 1
59:19 Program - Supersonic 2
1:00:10 Program - Supersonic 3
1:00:50 Program - The Great Castle (Hidden Gem)
1:02:17 Program - Tremolo
1:03:15 Program - Tremorlo
1:04:25 Natalie Outro
1:05:09 Programs with Troels
1:05:59 Program - Ukuleles 1928 Piano (Hidden Gem)
1:07:28 Program - Ukuleles 1965 Melody Maker (Hidden Gem)
1:08:36 Program - Ukuleles 1975 Soul (Hidden Gem)
1:10:14 Program - Ambience Chords 1
1:11:19 Program - Arp Cine
1:12:03 Strum Parts Overview
1:12:37 Program - Arp Strum 1
1:14:21 Program - Drum
1:15:35 Program - Kora Vollen (Hidden Gem)
1:17:22 Program - Low Pulse
1:17:46 Program - Main Dual
1:18:13 Program - Main Pizz
1:18:33 Program - Main Rain
1:19:48 Program - Main Softie
1:21:22 Program - Main Solo 1
1:22:00 Program - Main Solo 2
1:22:25 Program - Main Solo 3
1:23:02 Program - Main Strum 1
1:23:39 Program - Main Strum 2
1:23:32 Program - Main Strum 3
1:25:09 Program - Main Strum 4
1:25:30 Program - Main Strum 5th
1:27:16 Program - Mirage
1:27:38 Program - Old Days
1:28:14 Program - One Note
1:29:35 Program - Pad Man
1:31:30 Program - Pointy
1:32:21 Program - Rain Harp
1:33:59 Program - Tremolo
1:34:11 Outro

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Soundpaint™ is a new analog-style sampling technology.

Soundpaint renders all instruments in real-time in 127 dynamic velocity layers. It shortens the distance from idea to realization. Instantly morph a waterdrop with a violin. Play the most iconic instruments of all time in exquisite realism and fidelity. True analog-modeled effects. Advanced and organic arpeggiator. A deep matrix for those who desire.

Welcome to the dawn of Real-Time Sampling™

Рекомендации по теме

The videos are never too long, especially yours, Troels. Your transparently sincere enthusiasm for what your showing us, the way you get swept away with feeling over the music you're playing in a demo, the way you never want the video to end because there's always one more program you want to show off—You never look like you're selling anything. You always look like a little kid, full of *enthusiasm* for this TOTALLY NEAT thing you've made and you can't wait to show us! That's the vibe I get. It's disarming. I have bought so much Soundpaint because you had all this neat stuff you wanted to show me, and it was neat! 😀🦑


holy moses - just when I thought you guys had provided me with everything I need for my next theater music score, I stumbled into a scene from the great doc "Score" where a ukulele ensemble is featured and i imediately thought: hey wasn´t here a Soundpaint library some time ago? of course I need this, too - thanks for another hugely inspiring video, dear Troels!


Such a beautiful intro. It sounds like a small guitar as well. I see it could be used for pure ukulele stuff and other applications.


PERFECT! The "creative" programs - incredible! But also the "normal" ukulele programs & sampling... just perfect! A huge thank you & respect to you! ❤️❤️❤️


a fantastic and thorough walkthrough of potentials for this instrument. If it is too long in parts, just skip around, come back when you have time again. Well done, so beautiful review and instrument!


incredible sounds ! I really discover them today after my time job, congratulations your work is really GREAT !


Soundpaint: I JUST happened upon you yesterday via Instagram. I feel immensely impressed; impressed with the plugin, with the UI, your branding and product photography, the thorough walk-through videos -- which I've been watching for fun -- and of course, the super well-sampled instruments and the extended ranges you offer for them. That's unlike anything I've seen before. I'm truly in awe of the quality you offer. I've already purchased several instruments and to be honest, I couldn't wait to pen these thoughts on somebody's platform just to offer my gratitude and praise for what you've created.


Downloading the Uke library as I watch this video. I know I'm not going to be disappointed with the raw sound and the infinite possibilities. Soundpaint doesn't do disappointment. :))


Thank you Troels for the Kora Vollen - I've been waiting for this one for a few months now and I'm so happy it's out! Love me some Andreas... 😎


Excellent demo. Your best yet IMO. Not too long at all since you have the index. I was able to listen to all of the strums immediately which was my top interest then go back to other priorities for me. A lot of work here and appreciated.


This was great. Thanks. Not too long at all


Your version of the Farcy 6 soundtrack is way better than the original :)


Wonderful sounds...! I have two you say you sampled every note / chord with 127 velocity I cannot imagine how would you make this, especially within some 13 GBs....? Second question : would there be any way how to ' humanize ' a bit the Arpeggiator to make it sound less Great library anyway !!!
