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inside story and all endings explained. Inside is a game by playdead, the devs behind limbo, which possible share the same universe, both inside and limbo.

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inside story explained, inside all endings explained, inside ending explained, inside explained, inside theory, inside explained, inside endings, inside all endings, inside story, inside and limbo, inside game, inside full game
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I think the meaning of the game is that whatever you do, no matter how much you fight the system, you cant escape from it. Even when you become that creature that destroys everything that seems to be out of their control, in reality you are part of their plan and when you actually escape, you die and you actually realise that they led you there, even your false escape was part of their plan (see the minature forest you are falling into in the lab, forshadowing the ending)


The atmosphere and sound design of this game was top-notch


Ok, here my version of inside, the boy is being controlled by the creature, -you-, since the begining, the inside title might be the boy going inside the city, inside the creature, but for me its most likely the mind of the creature, inside the boy since the game starting.
The "citizens" have some kind of protection against mind control and guard ciertains routes knowing susceptible people often comes from ciertain, non protected, comunities.
The siren actually kills the boy, but his body still remains controled, from there on it becomes easier to control other "zombies" since theres no more a mind inside the boy fighting for control.
The scientists are rebuilding society using artificial controlled "zombies" as cheap labor, but they need the blob for it to work, to prevent it from scaping they have planed fake scape routes for it, and in the secret ending the boy shuts down the energy supply of the city, killing the creaure held on artificial life supply.


sounds kind of silly, but while I was playing I actually had the theory that the boy and the sirens were clones (or relatives) and that the boy was rescued (by organization opposing human experimentation) before he could fully transform into a siren, so that's why he acts kind of human (and also because as long as you press the up button the boy will not drown no matter how long). The reason they've been doing the experiments? The sound waves, they've been trying to create 'organisms' that can survive it (either by being thought or being able to live underwater), and are using unintelligent human clones, etc. to achieve that.

I also think that the siren and boy knew each other before (the first siren attacked on sight because submarine = couldn't recognize the boy) but the second one didn't attack immediately, and the third didn't try to harm us but only dragged us under, reawakening our original siren powers using that orange thing that grants powers. Also that other giant water creature behind glass 03 that didn't seem hostile as well.


Really appreciate the massive output of these videos you’re doing. I also like that you talked about older horror games such as Misao and Mad Father. I remembered when Felix, Mark and I think Jack too? Used to play these types of games. Make sure to take care of yourself though, we’re in no real rush. :)


Can we just appreciate how hard this dude works to make extremely detailed and well-edited videos basically every other day?? Keep up the good work man!


Decided to play Limbo and Inside again, and it's even more intense than I remember. Whenever he gets killed, my heart breaks 😭💔


Every time I play or watch these platform games, like the ones that have you in a large building and you need to solve puzzles to find the way out, I look at them and I can’t help but think if I was in that situation I would literally make all the WRONG turns in direction. I would manage to somehow find my way to all the dead end hallways and rooms. Is that just me?


Another interesting game called "Kona" is one I think you would have fun play and make theory about. It would be nice if you make theory about it.


this is a really cool video and explains the confusing endings and the story of Inside, all in all great explanation GamerSault


That "All Endings" part made me think that theres more endings in that game i mean technically theres 2 but you get what i mean, still a good vid tho!


I was just about to go to bed because I work three overnight shifts in a row but then I saw you posted this video and I have to watch it


really makes me wonder about the actual scale of whatever facilty they are in, the entire map and everything inside including the farmlands, city, and forests would all have to be a controlled enviroment, as well as the entirety of the "field" shown at the end of the game.


One thing I always admired about inside is the sound design especially in that one area with huge shockwaves it’s extremely well done


I know I’m late but just beat the game yesterday. I feel like at the beginning it’s ‘you’ or a scientist controlling the boy, but once the siren drowns you it becomes the blob controlling the boy. If you notice the mind control helmets look different. The one that controls the sleep walkers has several lights while the blobs only has 1. So before the end of the game control is transferred and whoever is controlling the boy at the beginning notices that the hive mind has finally awoken. That’s why the secret ending leaves you slumped over, you save the blob from being experimented on more.


I remember watching the walkthrough for this game. And I really wish that it had a sequel.


I think the boy is the last of a group of people against the organization, the group being the people who were in the woods at the beginning. He might also actually be some sort of mechanized human, whose mission was to destroy the organization, should the others not be able to. Him being mechanical may sound far-fetched, but the fact he just “shut off” after pulling the mind control plug makes it seem like it, like he completed his final mission so he shuts off as there is nothing else he can do. He certainly isn’t fully mechanical but enough that it aids him in his journey.


Simply put: the more we stay INSIDE the closer we're drawn to technology, becoming robotic as such. The true salvation exists OUTSIDE where imagination exists.

Masterful ending.


Honestly at the end of the game I started to feel like it was a precursor to "The Forest". Almost the exact same font with red colors. And if you've beaten the game you already know what I'm talking about with the ending player character.


i know this was a year ago but i still wanted to say something- would if the boy was grown up from limbo. Maybe the boy from limbo after meeting the girl was just traveling through the "woods" and "cities" Maybe this was the organizations plan all along, to make the boy a sentient experiment. The boy in inside has a lot of the same moments from limbo. granted it is hard to tell due to the 2d vs 3d aspect of it but still. Ever since i played inside after limbo i always thought that they a lot of the details were similar. The entire game plays out almost exactly how limbos story did . From the beginning all the way to end, uncovering tiny little details about the organization.
