Error code 0x80072f8f - 0x20000 there was a problem running this tool windows 7 to windows 10

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media creation tool error code 0x80072f8f - 0x20000 there was a problem running this tool windows 7 to windows 10.

Here i get this error message in my windows 7 ultimate,and which is based on 64 bit.

But this solucion also works on 32 bit based windows 8,windows 8.1 and win 11 also.

If may be this method again not working for you,just download that iso file in usb and you can easily update it.

This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala,malayalam,como resolver,como corrigir o,cara mengatasi,en francais,deutsch,ошибка,codigo de,kod błędu,hatası çözümü,al actualizar,как исправить and indonesia languages.


Today i get the following one error notification while i try to upgrade my windows 7 to windows 10 :

There was a problem running this tool

We're not sure what happened, but we're unable to run this tool on your PC.

If you continue experiencing problems,reference the error code when contacting customer support.

Error code:0x80072F8F - 0x20000




How to solve setup there was a problem running this tool :

1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.

2.And few of them ask to me,how can i fix the media creation tool error code?.

3.So anyway if you like to fix this error,just click to unblock that setup file.

4.And also use the registry editor method.

5.Finally one time restart your windows pc.

6.So i hope after the restarting is completed,finally this problem is fixed in permanently.

7.But if you get any error during activation process,just comment to me.

#therewasaproblemrunningthistool #errorcode0x80072f8f #mediacreationtoolwindows7
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