Data Science Panel at PyCon 2024 Ep. 467
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I have a special episode for you this time around. We're coming to you live from PyCon 2024. I had the chance to sit down with some amazing people from the data science side of things: Jodie Burchell, Maria Jose Molina-Contreras, and Jessica Greene. We cover a whole set of recent topics from a data science perspective. Though we did have to cut the conversation a bit short as they were coming from and go to talks they were all giving but it was still a pretty deep conversation.
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Data Science Panel at PyCon 2024 Ep. 467
'Graph Data Science' - Paco Nathan (PyConline AU 2021)
Grishma Jena - Introduction to Data Science with Python - PyCon 2019
'CountESS: Count-based Experiment Scoring and Statistics' - Nick Moore (PyCon AU 2023)
PyCon 2022 - Python strategy panel
Richard Pelgrim: Data Science at Scale with Dask
Unpacking the geospatial engineering toolbox – an overview of data science techniques for spatial da...
Joris Van den Bossche: On Blocks, Copies and Views: updating pandas' internals
'Cataloging the world's data for great good' - Lars Yencken (PyConline AU 2021)
'Building a biological database with Python' - Alan Rubin (PyCon AU 2023)
'The Python 3D Visualisation Landscape' - Owen Lamont (PyCon AU 2023)
'horse.' - (PyConline AU 2021)
'Look Backwards to Go Forwards: It's Retro Time' - Peter Hall (PyCon AU 2023)
Specialist Tracks Combined Opening Address
Python Steering Council - Keynote - PyCon 2019
Python Panel
'Keynote - Ee Durbin' - Ee Durbin (PyConline AU 2021)
Welcome - Emily Morehouse
'Present like a pro!' - Katie McLaughlin (PyCon AU 2023)
'h5pydantic, from a Synchrotron through Python to HDF5' - Clinton Roy (PyCon AU 2023)
'Things might go wrong in a data-intensive application' - Petertc Chu (PyConline AU 2021)
'Classifying Audio into Types using Python' - Jyotika Singh (PyConline AU 2021)
'A Beginners Guide to GPUs for Pythonistas' - Marlene Mhangami (PyConline AU 2021)
'Lightning Talks (Saturday)' - Christopher Neugebauer (PyCon AU 2023)