Все публикации

Ahoy, Narwhals are bridging the data science APIs

uv: the unified packaging release - Talk Python Live Stream

Designing Effective Load Tests for Your Python App - Talk Python Live Stream

When and how to start coding with kids - Talk Python Live Stream

Python Performance for Data Science - Talk Python Live Stream

State of Flask and Pallets in 2024

Python in Medicine and Patient Care - Talk Python to Me Ep.470

PuePy: Reactive frontend framework in Python Talk Python to Me Ep.469

Python Trends Episode 2024 - Talk Python to Me Ep.468

Data Science Panel at PyCon 2024 Ep. 467

Pydantic Performance Tips Talk Python to Me Ep.466

The AI Revolution Won't Be Monopolized - Talk Python to Me Ep. 465

Kolo.app for Django and Observing Pythons - Talk Python to Me Ep.464

Running on Rust: Granian Web Server - Talk Python to Me Ep.463

VS Code AMA @ Talk Python

Pandas - History and Future - Talk Python to Me Ep.462

Dropbase: Build Internal Tools with Python - Talk Python to Me Ep.460

uv - The Next Evolution in Python Packages? Talk Python to Me Ep.453

I Built A Python SaaS with AI - Talk Python to Me Ep.459

Data Doodling with Martina Pugliese - A Talk Python Live Event

Serverless Python - Talk Python To Me Ep.458

Software Supply Chain Security with Phylum - Talk Python to Me Ep.457

Building GPT Actions with FastAPI and Pydantic - Talk Python to Me Ep.456

Data Engineering with Dagster - Talk Python to Me Ep.454