5 tips for new grad nurses coming off orientation

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Now that you're ready to 'graduate' from new nurse orientation... are you ready? How about some tips to help you when you're finally on your own?
#newgrad #registerednurse #nursepractitioner

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OMG Im 1 week off orientation and felt the need to search this on youtube lol. Glad I found this channel.


These were some great tips! While I'm a nursing student, I think these are tips I can use on the floor during my rotations in the hospital. I'll definitely use these tips when we start the semester as a jumpstart. Thanks, Sean!


I totally second the studying after work or whenever you can make time, there’s no way you remember everything from nursing school and there will most definitely be stuff you encounter that you never heard of before so if you’re not studying even if it’s just an hour here and there you’re gonna be outta the loop and that can be dangerous for your career imo


Man I just found your videos and I love ‘em. I’m a new grad and I’m doing all I can to dive deep into this. I love the real ness of your videos, been looking for no nonsense videos like these but all im coming across is videos talking about how much we can make as new grad nurses lol. Screw all that, I needed this type of content, keep up the good work buddy and please keep up the informational videos. This may be a 2 year old video but it’s new to me as Im going through this process now.


Ummmm this video came at the right time.... I get off of nursing orientation in February. Thank you


I will be off next month, nervous and excited.Thanks for sharing, this couldn't come at the right time.


Great tips Sean, I've just finished nursing school and will be a grad nurse come the new year. I like the notebook and homework ideas.


you know what....I always feel good after your insights...especially after a shift!!


There should be no homework after those awful days we have on the floor. This is not true and not fair. I disagree with this. You should leave work at work and not bring it home otherwise you will burn out quickly. Also I’m not sure where you work where you have time to help other people🤣at our place we are the ones that need help we never have time to help even ourselves🤷‍♀️that sounds like textbook nursing sorry
It’s not like that in the real world


Thanks for sharing these helpful tips. Have you got any tips in mental health area as a RN. I am interested in doing my consolidation in mental health, and plan to work in that area after graduate in May.
