24hr SOLO Survival on ABANDONED Island!!! (with only Emergency Kit)

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24hr SOLO Survival on ABANDONED Island!!! (with only Emergency Kit)

Jiggin With Jordan

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Does this make me an official “ISLAND BOY”?!? 🏝


Hey J.J. What you should do is come back one day and go metal detecting around that place. You never know what you may find. Might find some rare coins, old rifle or hand gun, maybe an old sword. Would make a cool video. Be careful and safe.


“Abandoned on a island…. With a Jetski and just about everything else I need just so I can sponsor a survival pack” should have been the title 😂


if the Steel bottle isnt 18/8 food grade, if you drink out of it or even boil water in it. IT WILL BE VERY TOXIC. Army Veteran, Prepper and survivalist here.


"Life is not always luxurious when you're trying to survive" as he says that 15 ft away from a jetski 🤣 its ironic and that makes it funny


Better title "sleeping on a rock with a jet ski, spear gun, and an entire camping trip in a backpack"


Almost 3 million. Should have it from this video. Congrats Brandon! LET'S


That was a very pretty spot. There are a couple deserted islands I have been looking at in my area for a video much like this, however, I will bring plenty of water and snack and probably a tent too. Just let me know if you want to be a part of my adventures, I can pack some extra snacks.


Next time wash off an area you want to cook on while it's light out so it can dry. Don't fillet the fish cook it whole, just scale it, gut it, head it, and score it a few times down each side. You can throw it right on the fire or off to the side on some coals.


Looks like all you forgot to bring this time on your “survival” challenge was knowledge to cook fish. You basically had enough to last you a few days in your pack 😂. Excited to see how many new gadgets are on your next “SOLO 24 HOUR SURVIVAL”


Hey bro, I know this is an older vid and all but I just wanted to point out that (if this were a real survival situation) you did well by setting up shelter first and getting fire and food and all that but when you're in a situation with wet clothing, you want to pull that off as soon as you are out of the water and wrap one of those space blankets around you. As you know, water and wind will make you hella cold right away. Plus you could have maybe pulled your vest and top of your wet suit off and wrapped up in that space blanket to avoid being as dehydrated as you were. Just wanted to throw that out there but this kit looks like the perfect thing to keep in a boat or take with and throw it in the truck on long road trips or something like that. I'll have to get a few of these. Awesome video, man. :)


My boy ain’t surviving. He’s just stayin the night


The crabs said thank you for feeding tbem..


Good job dude, looks like you had a great night with no problems, all you need for next is a friendly ball named Wilson to keep you company. Can't wait till next time


Brandon I’ve been watching your videos for years, I really hope you get yourself or already have a handgun when you’re out doing things like this alone, I care about you, and you never know what kind of people you could run into.


Survival tip on cooking fish, take guts out, leave scales and skin on and cook on coals, when done remove skin and eat flesh, you will get more flesh then filets and you can avoid the dirty ground by removing the skin after cooking.


Incredible how that jet ski fits inside that small backpack!


That kit's shelter component is in need of insulation from the ground to prevent heat loss through conduction. A neat storage solution for this, would have been for Rino to make a sleeve in the back rest panel to insert a folding sleeping mat. This concept has been done by the German army where their sleeping mat served as a pack frame. In the meantime, one could add an air mattress and or a pair of 55 gal. drum liners to fill with leaves.


Them Rino packs are 🔥! We might need to pick some of those up to keep in the sxs with us when we go riding in the woods! Never know when you are gonna break down miles from camp and have to stay the night in the woods. Awesome video, that sunset was killer!


I was worried the Tide could change and you’d be forced off the rock! Glad that’s not how it happened, lol
