Learn Arabic - Arabic Alphabet Made Easy - Alef and Nun

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If you don't understand much Arabic and want to be able to understand and speak it, this video is made for you because it will get you to improve your Arabic skills!
ArabicPod101 is here to help you progress in your Arabic study.
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I started to watch video about kittens and two hours later I'm here learning Arabic..


I decided to start learning Arabic last night because I wanted to learn a language but I didn't want to learn a European language because I've tried all the main ones and didn't enjoy them. But I'm enjoying learning Arabic. It is a great language to learn and it is beautiful when written


"The good thing about Arabic is that it's pronounced exactly as it looks"

Me: ah yes ... uh ... wait


Arabic is my native language, I am here to make sure that they are speaking in a correct way, and indeed they are excellent. I wish you all success in learning Arabic..:)


I found this really helpful I never wanted to learn Arabic but this school year a new girl from Sudan came to my class and she doesn't speak Serbian(I am from Serbia) so we communicate in English but I want her to feel happy here so I decided to learn some basics of Arabic😂😂


To everyone who learns Arabic, you are learning the best language in the world.


I am learning arabic because it is a beautiful language, the language of mohammed (pbuh) and to understand the quran. I am Somali so it will be easy for me to learn arabic because arabic and somali is very similar. Also I can read arabic ( I am a very slower reader tho) I have troubles with 'shaddah' and 'sukoon'.please pray for me


Arabic letters are so beautiful. Just writing them down already feels like creating a piece of art
شكرا جزيلا


Im from malaysia and i am Muslim. We mostly can write and read in arabic but very few can understand and converse well. I wish i can understand and converse in arabic.


It reminds me of my childhood. When I was in class 2, I used to go to the nearby mosque to learn Arabic. I am from Bangladesh, so my native language is Bengali. However, most of the children in my country learn three languages, English, Bengali and Arabic. I used to write Arabic in my Islam studies exam in my school. It was the subject where I always got the highest scores in my class even if I took the test without preparation. This video brings so many memories.


Everybody gangsta till the teacher says " اعرب ما يلي "


I came from "The Golden Age of Islam" video, and I'm so admired how the people at that time translated all languages from Hindi, European languages, Chinese languages, .. to Arabic and Persian!
Also, *they introduced paper making from East to West!!*


Its been two months since i've been learning arabic and i can see a significant improvement.. I can understand most of arabic now.. and can talk in arabic, though im not so fluent


I've learnt a bit of Arabic. I know some words fluently, like:
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
الله اكبر
البانيا (my country )


This corona lockdown is the perfect time to learn this!


I love Arabic and I wish I was born as an Arabian, thats how much I love them. Pour my heart to all Arabians, BTw Im mexican and im the most proud of mexico. Love mexico y Arabia


thanks for your videos! I'm studying now in Riyadh, the only non-Arabic speaking student in our college, I'm Asian and all of my classmates are Arabs, I find it hard to communicate with them specially in the classroom, but through your Arabic teaching videos, I learned a lot and still learning!, although some words that are here don't have the same meaning with the words that they are using here. for eg. the word "afwan" it says here that it is for "excuse me" but here they are using is for "you're welcome" so I decided to learn instead how to write and read in Arabic which is really helping me big time! thanks again and more power!



انتي جيده جدا في تعليم اللغه العربيه
you are so good in teaching Arabic language


Arabic is the language I love so much, it's my favorite language that I can speak in Arabic thanks to this video I can speak Arabic Thank you for helping me and good luck


I have always been in love with how Arabic sounds. I tried DuoLingo a few years ago to try to learn it but memorizing the alphabet with no context was overwhleming and unhelpful. these videos that teach pronounciation, reading, and writing are INCREDIBLE. sukran gazīlan!
