C# Validation: Checking If a String Is a Number
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C# Validation: Checking If a String Is a Number
Greetings, I am here with another C# tutorial and in this video we shall be covering how to check if a string is a number, we check for an integer in this tutorial but this can easily be adapted to include floats. This validation is handy for validating an age, phone number or any other input where you only want a number.
C# Validation: Checking If a String Is a Number
Greetings, I am here with another C# tutorial and in this video we shall be covering how to check if a string is a number, we check for an integer in this tutorial but this can easily be adapted to include floats. This validation is handy for validating an age, phone number or any other input where you only want a number.
C# Validation: Checking If a String Is a Number
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