Your Best Shiny Moments Of Pokemon Scarlet/Violet

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I reacted to your best and worst Shiny Pokemon moments you've had in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
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It was hilarious watching wolfe spend a good 10 minutes searching for that phanpy only to find the larvesta


My 8 year daughter just found her first shiny and it was a male combee! She was all excited and was like "I'm gonna evolve it" I explained to her why she couldn't and all she had to say was "Why would they do that!?!" thankfully like a minute after she found her 2nd shiny lechonk!


One time, when I was just chilling in Area Zero, I encountered a Raichu. It seemed normal, but also seemed different. It was hard to tell, when all of a sudden a normal Raichu appeared in the background to let me know that I had encountered a shiny Raichu. I caught her and named her Sparky, and I occasionally put her on my team to look at / picnic with. I almost failed this one, but if it weren't for that Raichu that spawned in the background, I would have missed a shiny Raichu. Thank you, random Raichu that appeared in the background. I wouldn't have gotten Sparky without your existence reminding me what a normal Raichu looked like.

EDIT: A while later, I found another shiny Raichu in Socarrat Trail. This time, I immediately recognized it was a shiny and caught it. Since I already had one, I traded it for my friend's shiny Flutter Mane. I know, not the best move, but my friend said she'd give it to me whenever I wanted it. Now I have a shiny Flutter Mane vibing in my shiny box. Yes, I made an entire box dedicated to placing my shinies in to look at them whenever I want.


Today I was running around in loops looking for a camerupt just to fill out my pokedex and just as I turned a corner ran into a full odds shiny Bisharp 😭 it looks so cool, already evolved into Kingambit! I confess I was never the biggest fan of the Pawniard line but recently it's started growing on me and this just solidifies that feeling


My most stressful shiny is my Shiny Grafaiai. Ya know how there's that one wild tera Grafaiai that spawns in the forest where they all spawn? I decided to run into it to see what it would turn into, and it was a shiny.

It was ten levels higher than my highest level pokemon, and I had to run away twice to keep it from being knocked out by the poison it had gotten from touching my Clodsire. I caught it on my third attempt.

His name is Stressful, because that was the most terrifying ten minutes of my entire life.


I was able to reclaim shiny Cyclizar after finding another one. Those fellas are scary speedy! 
Thank you for including my fail, awesome video as always!


I feel like my favourite moment still has to be the very first Shiny I got in Violet. I was fighting a wild Cetoddle, and during that time, a Shiny Sneasel decided to crawl under my Miraidon. So when I came out of the battle with the Cetoddle (which I did catch), I was immediately dragged into battle with the Shiny Sneasel XD


My best shiny Pokémon moment was when I was wandering around one of the first areas, and I found a shiny Murkrow in a group (or should I say murder) of other Murkrow. It was fairly early game as well! I’m still quite proud of it.


I wish I had recorded mine on Tik Tok, because I was just roaming around on Glaseado Mountain, and I found a Shiny Sneasel. And then literal minutes later, I found a Shiny Froslass in an outbreak. I am dead serious.


Love this video, thanks for including my clip!

For some clarity, I found out that the glimmet were spawning out of bounds because I had KO’d all that I could see, but I could still hear more. So I blindly sent my Pokémon to auto battle at a wall, and sure enough, they defeated some out of bounds glimmet. I then figured out that you could use the lock-on mechanic to see out of bounds easily.


My fav reaction was chuggaaconroy's full odds crystal playthrough in which he found a shiny koffing when he was actually trying to get just a regular koffing for his team


I found my first shiny in this game in Area Zero. I saw a Shiny Corviknight but I assumed it was just the weird Area Zero lighting until it charged after me. Then literally 2 minutes later a Shiny Slither Wing popped up out of nowhere


My best/worst was when I was casually gliching through the wall as one simply does near a beach area, and I saw a shiny golden magikarp. I had to mash every single button combination feasible to get out of that wall. I caught the shiny magikarp and his name is gerald and he is my son. I'm glad it happened but it did happen to give me anxiety for the next three hours


My first shiny was Maschiff. I was only around an hour into the game when I spotted it. Since it was gen 9 I didn't know what it's shiny looked like and almost mistook it as a gender variant. It ran into me and I heard the noise, and I silently freaked out (mostly because it was 2am in the morning XD). The funny part was that I wasn't even planning on having one on my team when I saw the design.


Only one (so far) was the random shiny ralts I found on glaseado mountain while flying over and spotting blue - it's now the Gallade I use to catch things :D


My best moment would be when I was on my way up Glasedo mountain, accidentally ran into a snover while dashing on Miraidon, and then when the battle started, my brain had a moment of "hey, is that a different color than usual?" and then i saw the sparkles.


Two days ago I was running around catching Pokémon for the dex and while in the Orthworm desert area I was thinking I wanted to hunt for Cufant because it's one of my favorite gen 8 mons. I stop to make a surprise trade, and when I go out of the menu, there's a yellow elephant right in front of me lol I was like 'wait that looks paler than usual' so I went to check and yep, it was shiny!!! I love him so much<3


Ironically the Scizor didn't even look like it was flexing it more upset then anything
"Alright let's fight! Wait, what are you-NO!"


My first shiny was a paladean tauros. I hadn’t seen it at first because of the little change. I had been looking for a toadstool for my dex and it charged into me. Funniest moment of the game so far


I found a Fidough outbreak just outside of the first town. It was at night, but I saw a Fidough that looked darker than the rest. In 20 minutes, I had my first shiny of gen 9.
