Unloved and Forgotten - China's Children of Shame | ENDEVR Documentary

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Children of Shame | ENDEVR Documentary

Miao Miao, her brother Xiaolong, and Xin Liao are some of the luckier kids who live in the Sun Villages created by Mrs. Zhang Shuqin. But in reality, they have a heavy past and present to cope with. As the other young dwellers there, they are the offspring of people sentenced to death. This documentary shows the lives and daily routines of these children and their benefactors over two years.

Many of the people sentenced to death leave behind young orphans who are not taken care of at all by social services, even when their families or relatives cannot afford to do it. Also, these vulnerable children are generally despised and rejected by the rest of the community – and are not eligible for adoption. Because as a famous Chinese proverb says: «tigers do not bear puppies». Like Florence Nightingale, one woman, Mrs. Zhang Shuqin, has decided to turn the children’s destiny into her life’s struggle. She has set up ten orphanages to raise them. In these orphanages, called «Sun Villages», everybody works hard to offer the «children of shame» a more positive future.

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Children of shame are the offspring of people sentenced to death in China. This documentary shows the lives of these innocent children who are shunned by society and their benefactor over the course of two years. Toward the end, we find out how some of Mrs. Zhang’s first intakes did as grownups.


I’m 8 minutes in and I want to hug that sobbing great-grandmother, left alone when the others got into the van. I can only imagine how torn she felt, knowing she couldn’t take care of them but loving them and fearing for their safety with strangers.


Wow! That woman (that runs the orphanage) just became one of my favorite people on the planet. People like her make the world better for everyone and barely anyone knows it.


Salute to that grandpa who left his whole family because they rejected their grandchildren so he chose to follow them😭 he is the real super hero


as a fluent speaker in Chinese, something that wasn't translated was at 1:20 which proves how understanding the woman that runs the orphanage is. In the conversation, while explaining to the children, she says "but despite this (dealing drugs) they are still your parents, please don't blame them or be ashamed of them" 👏 applause for that strong woman.


Asking children questions like "What do you feel about your father killing your mother?" or "What do you feel being a child of shame?" is traumatic to a child. This will cause them to avoid people because they are afraid that they would ask these kinds of questions again.


What is interesting is that they are so concerned about shame but they have no shame in neglecting and rejecting their innocent children when the children need them the most


The translation is inaccurate in the beginning making Mrs. Zhang sound cruel. She didn’t say, “They (the parents) will never look after you.” She was telling them that their parents have long prison sentences, the dad won’t be out for 17 years, and the mom was sentenced to death, so they won’t be together for a long period of time.


As the only survivor of 3 abandoned and abused children, I can boldly say that if we had been put in a place like this, all 3 of us would have survived, so, thumbs up for everybody doing this type of lives saving labor


9 years old and she would rather work 10hrs a day than go to school because she's aware they can't afford to send her to school breaks my heart. Children shouldn't have to experience this..😢


So sad yelling at the grandmother, because it’s easier for them to give them up than for her. So hard watching them scold the father, while the children cry. Heart breaking.


I do hope that this lady with a golden heart will receive a Noble prize she is a Angel in disguise , a rare Chinese treasure . God bless her


The 90yo grandmother who was crying bc she had to send her grandchildren away broke my hearttt


The woman that opened sun village is an absolute saint! And deserves the Nobel peace prize. She’s an amazing caring loving woman who has given all those children a chance a home and love .


Great Grandmother likely died of a broken heart. The absolute look of dispair on her face was gut retching


the woman running the orphanages has made a difference to every child that walked through the doors and stayed. she is a savior .and a hero. we need more like her in this world.


The names of the children - Little Bud, Little dragon, distant heart and the sadness in their eyes. Grandmother Zhang and how the children would light up and run to her hug her, how grown adults came back to volunteer for her to show gratitude made this one of the most heartbreaking and touching docu's I've ever seen. I hope she gets the Noble Peace Prize for 20 years of cleaning up the mess made by the Chinese govemernt.


"My father killed my mother and was imprisoned. He came home in a box of ashes"
I am just heartbroken for these children.
It is such a horrible thing for a child to go through, seeing your parent in prison for the last time.


She deserves the Nobel Peace Prize! She has shown true compassion and love for the forgotten children of China.


25:28 Finally, a family member with a heart. One that wasn't "ashamed" to not stick around. That grandfather is awesome 👏🏻
