Should A Christian Go To A Haunted House?

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I just think people take all this stuff way too seriously if you ask me. I've been a Christian my whole life and all these rules have succeeded in doing is isolating me and alienating people who we are trying to reach.
Surely some things are permissable in our faith. Im not saying we ought to dabble in occultic practices or bring out a Ouija board. But visiting a supposed haunted location with friends for some cheap thrills seems pretty harmless. Especially if you keep your wits about you, stay prayerful and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you.
I even think about things such as music choices and movies we watch. Granted some people who are weak-minded can be easily influenced by a catchy song, most intelligent people can hear a song and choose not to adopt negative ideology's into our personalities. As Christians we are meant to be strong enough to not be influenced by evil that we see and hear. After all our flesh's influence has been done away with when we were born again.
By the way some Christians seem to put it they almost believe we ought to: 'see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, ' which by the way these days is pretty much impossible given how society has degraded so much over these last few years. Seeing evil, hearing evil things and speaking of evil things are not only inevitable but also unavoidable.
I always remember the scripture that says, 'it is not what goes into you that makes you unclean, but what comes out of you.'
I find it hard to believe that this scripture is merely talking about unclean food we ought to avoid eating. It appears to carry spiritual significance as well. After all as Christians are we not called to go out into a dark, decrepit, evil world and pluck people out from the clutches of darkness? Is that not messy work, does it not also require a clean spirit, a pure heart, sanctified not by our works, but by the grace of God and His Holy Spirit in humility?
Its true not all things are beneficial, but some things are permissable according to the apostle Paul in the new testament.
We have been too hung up over the past decade about 'looking the part, ' instead of actually being the part.
Trying to portray a perfect image of what we believe is a perfect Christian often acts as a deterrent to many non-Christians.
And that there is a fact.
My advice is this: Don't burden yourself as a Christian with an unrealistic standard that is placed on you to be this perfect person who listens to only Christian music, doesn't watch movies with questionable content (95% of them), doesn't party or enjoy life and taking risks, doesn't meet people - because of all that, can't relate to other regular people - because you don't have any of your own interests and forget who you were before you were a Christian, instead of simply being sanctified.
Be yourself, follow Christ's teachings and commands, abstain from sexual immorality (in all its forms), don't dabble in the occult, Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.
If you do these main things and have a righteous fear of God, His Spirit will teach you the rest.


Hey Rick/Todd, it would be awesome to see a video on what you both do for fun, or do in ya spare time, as a lot of people percieve believers/Christians as boring. Thx for the videos, love them




Death was never the design God had for us. We brought that onto ourselves. All haunted houses today are all about death and the most cruel and grotesque ways to die. As a Christain going to a haunted house is getting joy from things that God doesn’t want for us. If God doesn’t want us to have something it’s because it’s not good for us.


This is awesome! Thanks!! This truth really needs to be shared!


I've personally had the question about places deemed "actually haunted". or "demon-possessed". Since we have have been granted the authority to cast out demons from Christ, isn't it logical to then want to use that power to glorify God? The question then is if it is correct to seek out things not of God and being corrupted by it, but I've genuinely wanted to know if because we have this power is it right to actively seek to use it.


This is hilarious. Thanks for brightening up my day!


As someone who works in the haunted attraction industry I have to disagree. You can say that about anything and everything. If I can’t go to a haunted house because I want an adrenaline rush. Then you can’t ride roller coasters because you want an adrenaline rush. I work with some great people. Is going to an amusement park, going to a concert, going to the movies, evil? Then what’s the difference of someone dressing up and jumping out in the dark evil?
“So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life.-
Ecclesiastes 8:15

There is no evil at the haunted house I work at😂 Majority of the people there are Christians. And actually pray before each night to JESUS. This is nothing but teenagers in costumes jumping out in the dark at you. Don’t act like we are sacrificing animals, or praising the devil. I’m just saying I have felt more love at haunted attractions, than I have felt at some churches!!


Carmen’s “A Witch’s Invitation” comes to mind.


So are y’all only allowed to watch Christian movies? Does marvel not glorify God? Does drawing a picture not glorify God unless you give that picture to someone? Does glorifying God only happen when we bring others joy?

I believe that if you want to “glorify God, ” or as I would say, do something for the world, you have to start with #1. We can’t “make” others happy, we are responsible for one persons happiness and that’s our own. If everyone focused on doing what was best for them, the world would be a better place.


My mom yesterday told me that she want me to go to a haunted house with her so she said im not her daughter and I said yea im god daughter . And im not going no way if I have to choose god over my mom I will is hard but I want to be with god and Jesus ❤


As a Christian who has believed that Jesus is King throughout his whole life even though I was a never a perfect sinless person like Him and has stayed clean from sin and showed the love of Christ as much as I possibly could, even though I’ve fell into sin a few times in my life and which God gave me a gift to run a theme park as a future CEO, if the Bible says to abstain from every appearance of evil, does that mean we cannot give up enjoying the adrenaline rush of actually being scared and having fun with the fear while running from the evilness of the scare actor itself just because you know that the fear isn’t real and it won’t possess you and it is for the sake of fun and escaping (escapism from the consequences of real life) which would be compared to trying to make attractions and roller coasters safe for guests to enjoy while roller coasters have the same feeling which is one of the reasons why I like roller coasters is because of the sensations that you get with it while also my role as a future CEO is to keep a theme park safe and enjoyable for families to go to while also destroying the woke mind virus and celebrating Jesus during Christmas and Easter?


I work in real estate we cleanse them and we have authority in Jesus name, I'd say its to help people and yes for the glory of others,

Plead the blood of Jesus and pray lots


Are we talking about a real haunted house, or one of those "haunted houses" that they put in the local school for Halloween?


We're all going to hell😂😂😂
To Hell!!😂😂😂
Should Catholic children gave candy??😂😂😂
I'm dead, ...Haunted House??😂😂
More like a Idolitist home is a no no...Jesus get this guy an Apple!!😂😂😊😂😂


No, because the Christian is going to the haunted house to pay homage to the nature of demons. Evil spirits are what they are, EVIL. If demons are of the darkness, then how deep is that darkness?


what if you go to a haunted house knowing God has your back


Man, if this guy is against watching horror stuff and having things to do with death etc - he's gonna have to take a pair of scissors to his bible, for there's incredibly dark and awful horror stories in there. Just because it's in the bible doesn't mean somehow it's holy and pure etc - unless you've got some kind of cognitive dissonance bypass because "It's in the Bible".


Just me, no I don't belong in a haunted house for entertainment .

I live in the Savannah, Ga., area, have worked in businesses that had a ' Hain't' but it's not like I was 'looking' for them.


Yes let's chin check a grenade while we're at it
