The Secret Marxist Conspiracy

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We've all heard the term "cultural marxism" before, but what does it actually mean? Is there really a secret communist cabal pulling the strings behind the scenes? Let's take a look at where the term comes from and how accurate it is.

The Secret Marxist Conspiracy– Second Thought

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Citations and further reading:

The history and use of “Cultural Marxism”


Cultural Bolshevism


DeSantis defines elites (poorly)


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I wish the cause of communist liberation was as powerful as these people think.


"Marxism / Communism" (noun) anything that Conservatives don't like and /or don't understand.


It always bothers me when people use the terms "Communist, " "Fascist, " "Marxist, " & "Socialist" interchanably as if they all mean the same thing when they don't.


"For the first time in our history Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think."
I guess he never heard of McCarthyism?


Everytime I hear that there's a Marxist conspiracy I just say to myself "I wish, but sadly no" 😆


When I started making history videos 4 years ago, I was a hardcore anti-Marxist.

Then, I actually read some Marx. Turned out he made many valid points.

Happy to say that I stand corrected.


The fact that there is a significant amount of people that strongly believe in this asinine, self-contradictary and destructive rethoric is making me lose my faith in humanity. Hopefully this video manages to open some eyes


Older socialist here, and I am increasingly heartened by how young people are waking up to the truth. Your channel is brilliant. Well done.


I fear having political discussion with anyone these days as a Marxist. Even without explicitly saying "I am a Marxist" saying things like owning your own labor labels me as an other and see a lot of backlash from coworkers and random people for even having that opinion by itself, almost losing my job and attacked on social media. It's a scary time with these attacks from the right as now they all seem extreme as well.


Socialism is the right to not suffer and die for corporate greed. Most people can get behind that since most people are the very ones suffering form corporate greed.


"The socialists are in charge of the White House" is maybe the dumbest thing ever said in the history of humanity.


Ironically, we can use a quote by the Frankfurt School/Theodor Adorno to describe the psychology of "cultural marxist" scaremongerers:
"For, while people recognize their dependence and often enough venture the opinion that they are pawns, it is extremely difficult for them to face this dependence unmitigated. Society is made up of those whom it comprises. If the latter would fully admit their dependence on man-made conditions, they would somehow have to blame themselves, would have to recognize not only their impotence but also that they are the cause of this impotence and would have to take responsibilities which today are extremely hard to take. This may be one of the reasons why they like so much to project their dependence upon something else, be it a conspiracy of Wall Street bankers or the constellation of the stars. What drives people into the arms of the various kinds of “prophets of deceit” is not only their sense of dependence and their wish to attribute this dependence to some “higher” and ultimately more justifiable sources, but it is also their wish to reinforce their own dependence, not to have to take matters into their own hands- a wish, true, which is ultimately engendered by the pressure under which they live"


I remember someone once saying "If you look close enough, nearly every conspiracy theory links back to antisemitism" and it is impressive how accurate that is.


"For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say"
Women who were hanged at the Salem witch trials in the 1690s for not being able to justify having a seizure: "💀"


The Frankfurt School being called "The Franklin School out of Berlin" made me chuckle. As if the rest of that right-wing guy wasn't already absolutely nonsensical, it almost seems like a competition to be as wrong as possible about as many things as possible in as few words as possible


Every president has put power and greed above the well-being of the people, whether democrat or republican.


"the socialists are in charge of the whitehouse" headline made me laugh so hard


Got to the part where he said "for the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think, " and burst out laughing. The Red Scares, McCarthyism, the fact that slaves could be tortured to death for saying the wrong thing, the hunting of Mormons, "Loose Lips Sink Ships"...


I love how all the accusations made against the horrors of communism are actually what we are living in right now, under Captialism.


From a French perspective, in the US you have two right wing parties : Democrats (right wing) and Republican (even more right wing). Also funny, both parties bear a name that does not mean anything, at all. What does it mean to be a "democrat" ? What does it mean to be a "republican" ? Those terms are so vague, many french thinkers refuse to use them, as they are "incantatory terms", you can use to not say anything at all most of the time.

Politics in the US seems drowned in vague undefined terms nobody understands, but people feel strongly about. To me the only VALID analysis of society is the Marxist one, it's the one that makes people understand where they're interests really lie, material interests. The real enemies are exploitative corporations, not black people coming to France for a better life fleeing their sinking ship of a country. Making us work so much for such small salaries, when the boss makes 10 times more than you for the only reason that he can steal so he will.
