Oled i2c Arduino, Arduino Oled 128x64 i2c library, Oled 128x64 i2c display issues solved

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Project Description:

In today’s episode, you will learn how to use the SSD1306 or SH1106 0.96 inch Oled i2c 128x64 Display module with Arduino… In this episode, I will cover the extreme basics like for example

1. Oled Interfacing with Arduino,
2. How to fix some common issues
3. How to select a proper library
4. How to use the basic Oled functions
5. How to print text messages and Numbers
6. How to draw different shapes and finally
7. How to make a Weather station using a DHT11 Sensor and display the temperature and humidity values on the Oled display.

This is a mono-color, 0.96-inch with 128x64 pixels Oled i2c display module. OLED stands for Organic light-emitting diode. There are two different models of the same Oled display module which are SSD1306 and SH1106. Only by looking at the Oled display, it’s really hard to tell whether this is an SSD1306 or SH1106 model. I will tell you in a minute how to find this.

Unlike the 16x2 liquid crystal display module, the Oled display does not require a backlight, which results in a very nice contrast and moreover, the Oled display consumes less power when compared with other displays.

There are other types of the Oled display modules, which are available in different shapes and sizes, some are using i2c communication protocol, there are also other Oled displays that support the SPI communication. But in this tutorial, I will only focus on the Oled display module that supports i2c communication.


Amazon Purchase links:

Arduino Nano USB-C Type ( recommended):

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module for iOT Projects (recommended), more IO pins, improved speed, and supports a Lipo Battery:

128x64 Oled i2c display Module:

Dht11 Temperature and Humidity Module:

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#ssd1306Oled #arduinoi2c #oleddisplayissue
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you! This was SO helpful. I bought a 10-pack of these and was about to send them back but your video taught me how to find the correct address. Problem solved. You da Man!!!


your video saved my end of study project, the library change was the solution to my problem, thank you so much


You saved me! I looked 3 days reason why my SSD1306 not working, but key is SH1106 library! Thank you!


It was very frustrating when I tried to interface it and did not get result as I had no knowledge of changing the address... thank you so much... great video


thank you very much! your video helps me to step forward with my project. I used SSD1306 instead of SH1106 and it works too.


The guidance was excellent. I tried the wemos mini oled library and changed the LCD height. A minor variation on your instruction.. Thanks mate, good one


thanks for ur help, I was struggling with the library issue for a long time


Thank you!!! I though I was loosing my mind trying to get my oled display to function.


That i2C scanner works a charm! Thanks a lot


Great solving of this issue. I was about to return the display back but I found this tutorial :-D. Thanks!!!


Bro, thanks a lot bro, I was trying to put codes but none didn't work, after seeing you work, I am very very grateful, thanks a lot bro


Thank you very much for saving me from being lost


Wow this helped me ut a lot, just needed the different library


hi, not sure if you can help. but i have this working on a loop. and i want a dot to appear at a given stage of the loop, then after the timer i want that dot to disappear but the rest of the text stay where it is, i cant seem to get that one dot to just turn off while keeping everything else on. any ideas? thanks


Great video. Thank you for the help :)


could you add an industrial pressure tester 150PSI to show PSI and BAR ; -) i am so confused mapping and get the correct results


Thank you for the tutorial!
Half of the messages on my OLED are blinking and half of it is being displayed constant. Do you happen to know the reason for it?


What if the I2C address scanner writes "I2C Scanner Scanning..." and nothing more?


esp 32 How to find out what source code (arduino sketch) is inside the microcontroller ic thankyou


Can I use I use 128x64 oled in a circuit that previously used 128x32? Should I change code if I used 128x64 instead of 128x32
