20 Horrible Historical Facts School Doesn't Teach

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It's not the job of schools to tell you everything there is to know. Their job is to give you the skills you need to learn, and continue learning throughout your life.


The library of Alexandria.... makes my heart scream with pain...


The loss of the library is an incalculable tragedy, so many ancient secrets gone forever


Am i the only one going nuts during these? He says a summary of each point, says it again with more detail, then says it again as a much shorter summary before moving on to the next number. Its driving me crazy


I don't know where you went to school, but most of these I learned in grade school. Granted, that was in the late 60s, and education has taken a serious downturn since then.


I was in graduate classes with high school and middle school history teachers who often stated that there is not enough time given in a class to cover all historical events. The trick is to spark enough interest in students to want to learn more and to seek more information on their own. Which mean unfiltered access to material and a sense of critical thought.


We were taught about this in high school. Don't know why they do not teach it anymore. But I am 58 now.


The loss of that library is heartbreaking!


Perhaps the Library Of Alexandria housed information on how the pyramids were built, and how the amazing huge stones were cut and transported.


Microwave ovens: i can remember seeing my first microwave oven at a lunch counter around 1957, at about age 10…when ever we visited that lunch counter I always ordered a hot dog, being amazed every time when my hot dog was heated in 30 seconds or so—it was a “magic trick” I never tired of!


Schools don't teach History anymore. I had to know by heart about the Revolutionary War before passing Jr High School.


The destruction of the Library of Alexandria might be the most tragic single event in History it probably set mankind back 1000 years both because it destroyed knowledge that already existed and it left Europe without a place to deposit our knowledge so even if someone made a breakthrough, there was no way for other scholars to build on it.


The contents of the Library of Alexandria was not totally lost. It is known that the Arab scholars visiting the library faithfully copied and translated into Arabic and became the keepers of the knowledge.

Returning after invading the Arab region, the Crusaders brought those books and the Europeans began to rediscover the Hellenic knowledge.

This rediscovery of Greek knowledge via the Arabs, along with the Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3.... actually originated in India) and the concept of zero, the Europe's civilization began to advance quickly after several hundred years of stagnation known as the Dark ages.

And the subsequent period of flourishing civilization is called the Renaissance.


Along with the Library of Alexandria should be notice the library of Timbuktu. Each had a similar fate. You can see this in US politics today. So sad history repeats itself. I will always be a rebel for knowledge. Unfortunately few will understand and less will follow. Libraries, hand held writings, will always be the true internet.


I totally remember the first microwave that came into my house back in 1976. I wouldn't stay anywhere close to that thing while it was going. No way I was going to get 'microwaved'.


I was taught a lot of these in high school
Some by my parents. Knowledge is king


You can lead a horse to water,
But a pencil must be lead 😂😂😂


In fact, there is a small Statue of Liberty in Paris. It was the model of the larger statue that was later given to the U.S.
I was quite surprised to see it!


Good teachers and interest has led many to find these things . The art of stimulating interest leads one far beyond a class room


The reason Washington looks so grim is that his dentures had springs so he had to clench to keep his mouth closed. He sufferered from periodontal disease so not actually tooth issues but bone loss from the gum infection
