Creating and Uploading Docker image for .NET 5 Application to Amazon Elastic Container Registry

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In this video, I will walk through how we can create a repository in Amazon Elastic Container Registry. And after that create a docker image for a .NET 5 application and upload the image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry.

Following are the commands I have used in this video:
1. Building a docker container image:
docker build -t microservice-test .

2. Create the latest tag for the image

3. Get the login for the docker to publish the image to Elastic Container Registry

4. Push the image to Elastic Container Registry

Configure AWS CLI with key and secret
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: your-key-here
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: your-secret-here
Default region name [None]: your-region-here
Default output format [None]: ENTER

Рекомендации по теме

how we can create an docker image without docker file in project? Your project is not showing any docker file. Please elaborate thanks.
