I built a Micro SAAS using ShipFast from Marc Lou... (ShipFast Review)

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In this video, I dive into the world of Micro SaaS and explore the ShipFast community’s strategy of building and shipping software as quickly as possible. If you’ve ever wondered if you can make money with minimal coding experience, this is the video for you.

I put Marc Lou’s ShipFast template to the test, which promises to simplify the process of creating a SaaS product by providing essential features like user authentication, payment processing, and basic SEO. I share my journey from setting up the project to launching my software and reveal whether ShipFast lives up to the hype.

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As a developer, I can say that the best way to ship fast is using tech stack that you already know and are comfortable; and also just coding all the stuff, no-code is too complicated for me 😅


Great video, it's interesting to see how you found it using ShipFast with pretty much no coding experience. For the number of subs you have, this is a really high quality video. I've subbed, your channel will definitely take off if you keep making high quality videos like this


Hey Dude, be proud of yourself! You've accomplished something that 95% of the population can't -- code. As a programmer myself, I don't laugh at that, you did great! Go ahead and explore. 👍🏻


Let me know what you think about ShipFast :)


Great video Steffen.

I'd have just suggested you to use open source templates and boilerplates instead, to keep your initial cost almost zero(~$5 for domain)

They are free, you get more choices, easy to customise, and you get more flexibility over stack

I've built a few open source ones myself, and one of them looks to some extent just like ShipFast


Shipfast is basically a pyramid scheme, people are making these reviews because of the referral system, or direct sponsorship. Mark makes %90 of his revenue off of Shipfast, which is just repackaged OSS with documentation.

This is only useful for people who don't know how to code. You can just spend 1 week and make your own boilerplate that is significantly better as you'll understand the tooling better; and have an easier time updating things.

If you don't know how to code, then you should probably use a dedicated no code platform. Seriously, don't buy into this hype. Mark is selling you a dream, not an actual product. I don't get how this isn't being criticized more. Its literally a fkn git repository with free software that he's selling.


Hi nice video! I am a data scientist and I am starting to get into Web and Software development. Can you tell me what I need to learn to use ship fast effectively?
For example - I am very proficient in Python - can i build the backend / API in Python and still use ship fast?


Better get Achromatic dev if you are serious about building a SaaS.


Well, in my opinion it does not worth the money. I bought it but its really barebones. However, it pushed me to create my own boilerplate and gave me a different perspective on things and how to earn money in this app boom period.

- Documentation lacking, you have to do lots of back and forth when you follow doc to set up your mailing, auth etc.
- Typescript support is close to non-existent because strict type check is not enabled by default.
- Discord support is close to non existent, Marc rarely takes time to reply stuff there. You see some people trying to help but its mostly some people who have no idea what they are doing.
- You actually don't get any re-usable components.

+ You get few out of the box tailwind UI components to put together your landing page.
+ Nice SEO config

It just kind of feels like he sold his story and previous experiences nicely but this is nowhere near a complete boilerplate and price is absurd for the value. But anyways, it is a free market I wish him the best.


Hi, thanks for video! Sorry, but where is the link to your microsass?


Hey, I loved your video. I'm working on my own A.I that creates entire saas'es based on a prompt. MVP is done and planning on launching 5 different saases this week. Would love it if we could connect and you could give your thoughts!


Hey Steffen, very good video . I can do better editing in your videos which can help you to get more engagement in your videos . Pls lmk what do you think ?


i build shipfast alternative but it might not that good bit dose the job


since shovels sell well, shovel accessories should be sold 😂


Can anyone tell my why this is better and easier then wordpress?


Marketing video. Not shipped anything?!


video is bit overexposed u need to work in ur colour grande and add minimalist transition and make better cut ur been watching ur videos from few days content is amazing dude if you need an video editor do lemme know
