Positive Feedback Loops and Confirmation Bias | Douglas Murray & Jordan B. Peterson

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When positive feedback loop situations arise, it can't be helped but to see similarities in the social identity movements.

The left purports to see fascism lurking behind every right-wing move and perhaps the right is just as culpable with regards to seeing communism behind every left-wing move.

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Hi Dr. Peterson, I would love to watch you interview your wife! Much love from the US~


"Inequality. That's another thing we should discuss because inequality is a terrible terrible problem. It's a society devouring problem - the only thing worse than inequality are the purported solutions"


I started watching you at the beginning of 2020 as my wife and I went through a miscarriage. For me, it was a search into morals. As I was trying to fix myself from your amazing advice. We had another miscarriage. Instead of blocking everyone out I knew we could get through it. We went to schedule a dnc for the miscarriage we found out we had twins and one is alive. That baby is only 3 months from joining us. And I must thank you for saying something as simple as “become a Phoenix”. Much love and glad to see your health better Dr. Peterson


Always love learning especially from Dr.Peterson. You make psychology so much easier to grasp

Gives me inspiration to create and develop videos from a challenging perspective instead of going with the status quo


We need inequality to trade with one another; without inequality exsistance is stagnant. It is the excess of inequality in which the problem resides.


8:40 I love Peterson's response: "Do you think I'm one of them? Why not?"


Something that adds to the confirmation bias is that we interact so much via the Internet but information on the Internet has a very unnatural level of reliability. Human brains don't deal well with information that is usually reliable and valuable but at the same time so easy to distort by omission if not outright falsification.


I'm an almost 40 year old adult American white male. Corn fed and bred inherently, although I'm now leaning Keto/Carnivore (Dr.Shawn Baker).

Don't y'all understand this is Masculinity Vs. Feminism?

It's the Matriarchy fighting the Patriarchy for leadership.
FYI: If the Patriarchy is lost so is America.
Females always lean towards Socialism and Men always lean towards Capitalism.
Studies show that when woman have access to excess they spread it out evenly to all.
In contrast, studies show that when men have access to excess, they distribute resources to those most competent and competitive. This is what leads to competitiveness and success globally


Why don't we have people like this man running our country? Seriously. An intellectual who carefully thinks about what he says and makes intelligent arguments that people seem are drawn to.


Dr. Peterson, how are you doing? Are you recovering well? You are in my prayers ❤️


Great to hear a true debate! Thank you so much Dr. Jordan Peterson


The only thing worse then believing everything, is doubting everything.


I hate all the categorizing everyone into left and right camps


Dr. Peterson, I respect your opinion immensely. I understand you being concerned about fascist on the right. I would submit to you that, the leftist fascist ie, BLM and Antifa have demonstrated their willingness to use violence. If nothing is done to curtail their violence, how does anyone feel that that right will be kept in check if it appears they have been treated unfairly?


Here's an idea I've been playing around with:
The cause for modernity's scale of inequality is peace.
We know that the only reliable things, so far, to bring about the flattening of inequality is war, genocide, and natural disasters. Now, war is sparse, genocide is even rarer, and globalism offsets any losses in any one particular geographic location by successes in other regions. With our prosperity, Price's Law continues and inequality grows. It's not that there wasn't inequality before, it's just the system got torn down relatively (to our civilization) quickly. It's that today there is a prolonged period of prosperity for it to accumulate to the levels that it has become.


You can only trust people who are trust worthy


speaking of feedback, I think that world leaders are oblivious to what is slowly growing among people around the planet. A deep, strong feeling that the ones chosen to lead us are uncapable of doing so, and that the current social-economical system is outdated and corrupt to the bone. People have been pushed to the limit, and sooner or later the drop that makes the glass overflow will come. And it will not be something big or grandiose: it will be something small and almost unnoticed, that will sparkle all of it.


Buy seeds y’all it’s the new money for the neofeudal casino gulag plantation economy


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson! When are you going to discourse with moderate Muslims.
(You once said that you are going to do that in upcoming years but those years ain't coming)


It would be best if authorities quit trying to solve problems.
