It's time to lose 20kg

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WELLLLCOME BACK FRIENDS! Thanks for stopping by. This video is about me FINALLY discovering the road block to the last 4 to 5 months of no weight loss. (No weight gain luckily, but no loss - super frustrating!) But team...I've solved it. Have a watch...

Other relevant videos:
weight loss reset

how I lost 10kg

Hot tip link:

P.s - Sorry about the delay with the upload, YouTube wasn't cooperating!
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I feel you on the being scared of negative health outcomes. I’ve recently gained about 15kg over the last year, and I’m experiencing bad health. It’s so scary tbh, I need to commit to believing I can change (as this is my block).


wow, I don't think I've seen such a calm, reflective weightloss video in a while!
I love how you didn't just leave it at "I lost 15kg and now I am totally happy" but really went into the difficult part as well.
Can't wait to follow along on your journey xx


4 Simple rules
1. Don’t eat processed refined foods
2. Cut sugar
3. Eat after sunrise, stop eating at sunset
4. Walk if possible


Hello from Canada. I stumbled upon your video by chance and wanted to let you know that this short 10 minute video had a very big impact on me. I did not realize that lack of routine was sabotaging my goals of weight loss and studying everyday. I'm trying to loose 70 lbs and at the same time I'm studying to become a project manager. At first I was motivated and everything was going in the right direction. But then something happened and I got derailed, my weight loss came to a standstill, and I only study 15 min/day. I'm tired and not motivated at all. And no matter how hard I try to make things work, it seems that my life is going in the opposite direction. Watching your video made me realize that I'm a person that needs structure and routine to be successful at anything. I can't thank you enough for making this video and uploading it on YT. It rang a bell inside my head and woke me up. I need to go back to my routine that made me successful and create a daily, weekly, monthly plan to stay on that routine. By the way I'm subscribing to your channel to see what you eat and how you exercise to loose the weight. I'm 5'3" and used to be 130 lbs but I ballooned up to 200 lbs . Most of my weight is in my hips and thighs and I cannot wear pants anymore. My thighs look like two giant fluffy pillows. It took me 10 years to go from 130 to 200 but I'm hoping it would take me a shorter time to go back to my healthy weight. Let me know what you eat for breakfast, because that's the meal that I have most difficulty with. I'm always hungry in the morning and want to eat everything when I wake up. I think something is wrong with me🤣🤣🤣 I cannot just have cup of coffee and be on my way like normal people. I have to have a big meal to wake up my body and soul. Many thanks in advance 🙏🙏🙏


Sustaining and living with recent weight loss is an important part of the process!


I am ready to get back in my routine. I had lost 50lbs in 2022 but gained most of it back in 2023. I have 40lbs (18kg) to go till my goal weight. Time to get back at it, thanks for the inspiration ❤


thanks so much for this. SLEEP IS EVERYTHING. When I get to sleep by between 10 and 11 pm and get up after about 8 hours, I feel so much better and everything is easier. I need to not only do that, but to exercise first thing in the morning, even though I have been a "night owl" all my life. Shifting things to the evening means I eat later, (not great) and I rarely exercise. I appreciate you!


I'm currently on a weight loss journey too and documenting on You Tube - I'm doing 10, 000 steps for 30 days in addition to running my zumba classes so some days are a struggle. This year I've lost nearly 10 kgs it's been slow but steady. Next year I'm looking to implement some more changes!


Thank you for this video. You said just exactly what I needed to hear. My story is a bit similar to yours, I've been trying to lose weight for the majority of my life and I've tried any diet to ever exist. Only recently I have finally understood what I should do in order to lose weight. I've done my best and lost about 7 kilos. That's not too many but that was a very big first step for me because I couldn't lose more than 2 kilos for the last 3 years. I had everything under control, I would cook, would make more than 10k steps per day, was exercising regularly. And than just like for you it stopped because I allowed myself to clack off and I couldn't understand what's wrong. But yes, just like you said, I lack the routine. Thank you for saying this out loud, I hope that both of us will continue our weightloss journey!


Thanks for sharing your story it feels comforting to know others experience the same thing as me. I wish everyone going through a weight loss journey the best of luck. Let’s all do our best!


In January I was at my highest weight ever and that was a kick in the pants to get it together. My goal is the same as yours (about 80 lbs). I lost 40lbs from January to June through calorie counting and waking 1hr per day. Then nothing for months on end. I kept eating mostly healthy and walking but I was burned out on counting calories closely. I knew it was because I wasn’t counting calories but I didn’t have it in me to be that strict any longer. Also, I didn’t gain any weight in that time so I look at it as maintenance practice rather than weight loss failure. About 1 1/2 months ago I added strength training 3 times per week and kept everything else the same. I have lost 4 lbs in just a couple weeks and getting stronger feels great. Best of luck to you!


Immediate follow! You´ve got this. Much love from Germany


I'm so glad youtube put your channel in my feed! I've been binge watching and I love your content and energy :) This is such wonderful timing as I'm on a health and weight loss journey as well. I have about 12 Kilos to go and I can relate to so much of what you talk about and your previous experiences. Wishing you all the best on your journey, I'm looking forward to following along! and thank you for the advice and inspiration x


So happy to see this and I relate so much! We can do it.


Your self awareness is inspiring, you got straight into discussing the calm mindset needed, and highlighted the link between routine and flow without preamble. Great video - got yourself a new subscriber!


Congrats on what you have accomplished this year! It isn’t easy to break food addictions and you seem to have done a great job. Good luck on your future journeys. I look forward to watching your success!


Hi Mel really love the message here and I'm so relate to your story. I too have lost 10 kg in a short time (like 3 months) but didn't make any significant changes after that in around 9 months. During my weight loss time, I skip many dinner, eat bland outmeal and turn down so many good food. Then I remember one day I eat really good ice cream and then left all my routine behind.

My goal is to lose another 10 kg in 6 months. I just aim for 0.5% to 1% of weight loss from my total weight by making sustainable changes. No point of losing weight just to have it all back again.

Let's do this!


I'm glad you finally figured out what worked and what didn't. Most of the time it's usually a system issue, not a problem with you. Figure out how to make it easy! Nice work!


I just had a baby and need to lose 25kg so excited to join you on this journey


We have the same goal, I am also working on loosing 20 kg.
I’ve lost 6 kg previously but it took me like a year but now I am serious because I don’t want to spend the rest of my of my life trying to to loose weight. Let’s do this 🎉
