Understanding and Applying XGBoost Regression Trees in R
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Ever wonder if you can score in the top leaderboards of any kaggle competition? Look on further! Check out the XGBoost Regression Model, an ensemble boosting method, known for its powerful robustness. This is an industry grade model that is heavily applied in many industries. Knowing this algorithm can get your foot in the door in many industries containing Data Science!!!
Github link:
Data Set Link:
Additional Material to check out !
Ensemble Method Boosting:
Ensemble Method Stacking:
Ensemble Method Bagging:
Methods of Sampling:
0:00 - Algorithmic procedure of XGBoost Regression
5:53 - Understanding Data & Applying XGBoost
7:57 - Explaining XGBoost Regression Gridsearch Parameters
10:17 - TrainControl & Final model & Evaluation
Ever wonder if you can score in the top leaderboards of any kaggle competition? Look on further! Check out the XGBoost Regression Model, an ensemble boosting method, known for its powerful robustness. This is an industry grade model that is heavily applied in many industries. Knowing this algorithm can get your foot in the door in many industries containing Data Science!!!
Github link:
Data Set Link:
Additional Material to check out !
Ensemble Method Boosting:
Ensemble Method Stacking:
Ensemble Method Bagging:
Methods of Sampling:
0:00 - Algorithmic procedure of XGBoost Regression
5:53 - Understanding Data & Applying XGBoost
7:57 - Explaining XGBoost Regression Gridsearch Parameters
10:17 - TrainControl & Final model & Evaluation
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