How to Install TensorFlow GPU on Windows 11 | GPU Setup on Windows | TensorFlow GPU Setup

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How to Install TensorFlow GPU on Windows PC. You will learn how to install CUDA Toolkit and tensorflow GPU.

Install Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10/11 | Machine Learning with Anaconda and Jupyter

# Install TensorFlow in Windows WSL2

** TensorFlow 2 Setup Link **

1. conda create -n py310 python=3.10
2. conda activate py310
3. conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit=11.2 cudnn=8.1.0
4. python -m pip install "tensorflow=2.10"

** Test GPU **

import tensorflow as tf


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just wonderful, I tried to get this up and running 2 years ago, wasted lot of time and gave up, today i decided to give it a shot by following your instructions and it WORKED!!! You are Amazing.


Wow. They made it a nightmare for Windows users.


This is the only tutorial so far that's simple but effective compared to other videos that solves my month-long problem. Thank you for this sir


I need to thank you financially.
I wasted 4 full days looking for tutorials on YouTube.
None worked, just yours!


i am going to join the ppl here who are eternally grateful for this. I've spend days! installing CUDA toolkits, cuDNN libraries, downgrading, setting env variables, create thing difference mixes on several conda env... nothing worked until this!. THANKS A


I have been trying for months to fix this problem. Thank you for this clear and concise tutorial! It worked on my end. (GTX)


"I can't express how relieved I am right now. I've been wrestling with this problem for days, burning the midnight oil, and it seemed insurmountable. But thanks to your guidance, the fog has lifted, and my problem is finally solved. Your help has been a game-changer for me!"
Thank you Sir,


i wasted 5 days to connect my GPU with tf , from your video it took me few minutes to get the job done .salute


Hello, I've encountered a problem following your tutorial. I followed everything but at the end when I tried to import tensorflow in jupyter notebook, I got an error about how I'm trying to use numpy 1.x instead of 2.x or something like that, which is confusing as I'm new to this whole thing, but my guess is that since you have put this on youtube, there has been some changes to anaconda distribution.


you are great! now is working!! Question have you tried with the other option using that WLS with a Linux distribution?


thank you,
more than 1 week of trying and failing, your tutorial was simple, direct and effective


ty bro, was a hard journey to achieve that for me


to bypass environement error while doing :
python -m pip install "tensorflow<2.11"
you can try adding --user tensorflow
good luck


you sooo much.... ive been trying to do it for days ... i watched a lot of videos and none worked... this is simple and its working bro.. Thank You


you are a hero, I was struggling for 2 months to fix this issue


Sir it is working for tensorflow 2.10.1 and 2.10 but when i testing the model for installation then math_ops import error facing and it says you need to upgrade tensorflow version but if i upgrade then gpu is not detected what should i do for tensorflow 2.16.1 and 2.17??


I usually don't comment on ytb video but this one is exceptional. This video ends my 13 consecutive working hours. You truly are my savior! Thank you kind sir!!!


I swear to god! Thank you very very much! I hate setting this up. Always struggling. Tested so many variations. WSL2, native, conda, docker... All sht.... always cpu or failed.

But your specific combination hit the brick for me!

Sad it is not working for the newest stuff, but ok. Its new enough. I killed all my IDE's and everything on my pc to get it running. With your tutorial and 10minutes of time I have managed to pull it over!

Thank you very very much! You should defnitely get a donator link in the description!


So helpfulll thankyouuuu very much liked the video and subscribed to channel


Important Message: This method shown in the video will work, if and only if you already set the environment variables properly. Otherwise, without setting the environment variable, if anyone just follows the video, it will not work. I tested and failed. Please watch another video to see details, on how to set Env. Var. After setting env. var. I followed the video and it works. Thanks.
