Sleep apnea treatment without CPAP with Audrey Wells MD

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In this video, sleep medicine physician and founder of Super Sleep MD, Audrey Wells MD, is discussing sleep apnea treatment without CPAP and alternatives to CPAP treatment…and sharing a “show and tell” demonstration of the different options that are available. Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.

Dr. Wells has a free informational group and online courses for people with sleep apnea.

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My parents both have diagnosed sleep apnea, my father developed heart disease from sleep apnea, and my sister has been using a CPAP to sleep. About ten years ago I also started to develop sleep apnea, and would wake up during the night choking. It was so debilitating, I was getting more and more exhausted. I then read about people who had great results from an anti-inflammatory diet and exercise, which I decided to try as I was so desperate not to have surgery or use a CPAP. I went 100% cold turkey on the following - alcohol, refined sugar, processed foods and wheat products such as bread etc. I also began walking daily. It wasn't easy, and some days I wanted to give in to the food cravings, but I was really determined to give it a go. I noticed gradual improvements in my sleep after a couple of weeks, and within two months my sleep apnea was gone, completely gone. Whole food and exercise really is medicine, and today I still sleep through the night and the whole food diet and exercise regimen is now just a daily habit, it's no longer a chore.


Sadly, losing 72lbs, and exercising didn't get rid of my sleep apnea. A $1700 sleep apnea appliance actually made the sleep apnea worse! Because of heart and other serious health issues I finally embraced my sleep apnea machine and my life is vastly improved. Do I wish I could sleep without my cpap? Yes!!! But until a miracle comes my way, I'm using my cpap.


I must be extremely fortunate. When I saw the c-Pap, I thought, “Oh, no way!” Then I put it on and thought that I never wanted to be without it. I had sleep issues beginning in junior high when I weighed 125. That was 1968, and there was no such thing as sleep studies or understanding of sleep problems. I could never maintain any regular pattern of attendance or consistent mental performance. It was extremely frustrating. From my first night with my c-Pap, my whole life changed. I had a great doctor who was frustrated by my use of my c-Pap anytime that I needed a nap as well as for my night’s sleep. He wanted regular hours, but I was struggling with extreme exhaustion after bad sleep and untreated sleep apnea for 38 years. He also was frustrated by the fact that I did not lose weight, having become obese over those same 38 years. I didn’t care that my body didn’t do what he wanted. I was functioning for the first time. After multiple failures in my attempt to get a college degree, I was able to attend regularly and think without that mental fog. It’s just been an amazing gift in my life.


A few years ago, I started CPAP. As much as I hated it, I used it every night for 6 months. Then I read that my CPAP machine and cleaner combo was being recalled for causing cancer so I stopped it. Though I had registered my products, the sleep center care providers, CPAP store, and manufacturers never contacted me. I lost all trust and never used my CPAP again. I lost 90 pounds and my snoring completely stopped. I year after I met my weight loss goal I began regain the weight and it is back and so is my snoring. I used my phone app to monitor my sleep. I know that my apnea is active, but I would never trust the hospital’s sleep center, the machine provider and manufacturers, the FDA, my insurance company, again. I need an alternative. Trying again to lose weight.


I get a sense after a lot of my own research, many companies and some physicians are exploiting sleep apnea treatments, not unlike the pharmaceutical companies and drug therapies. Do your own research and find your own solutions and don't believe everything you hear.


I can not use my CPAP because of my sinus infection. Waking up tired every single day has me looking for alternatives. Thank you.


Used a CPAP for 3 months to try to sleep with moderate sleep apnea. I tried 5 different masks, several different positions, and several different air compressions but found the mask too uncomfortable to tolerate. My sleep doctor’s staff set the air pressure based on their “rules” and the pressure was so extreme it woke me up numerous times every night! Although it’s not strictly allowed, I found out how to change CPAP pressure and the activation schedule to make it more tolerable, but after using it for months I found it didn’t help my sleep at all.

I was TIRED of being tired every day and really had high hopes for the CPAP process but finally gave up when I started getting MORE sleep when I started pulling off the mask at about 4 am to relax and sleep uninterrupted for a few hours!

I also found the whole process of reordering masks etc. from the medical supply store to be more concerned with payments and insurance company coverage than really helping me sleep.

I am a senior and have recently been diagnosed with AFIB and am about to launch into a new process to see if I can overcome my apnea. I intend to work with my doctors to examine my nasal passages to see if I can improve my breathing and am going to check into using a dental device.


I haven’t heard her mention taping your mouth shut. Possibly because it’s not lucrative? I’ve been taping my mouth with a little piece of 1.5 inch athletic tape for three months and the results have been life changing! I snored so loud my wife often moved to the couch, would wake up gasping, severe dry throat and wake up with headaches.
Taping has worked fantastic for me I sleep 6 straight hours, no symptoms I mentioned.
Please talk with your doctor before you embark on trying this because I’m about as far away from a doctor as you can get! I have no problems with breathing through my nose. Sleep studies and all these other options doesn’t appeal to me but I wish everyone finds an option that works for them!


I have used one of those mouthpieces since 2015 (not that one: mine is an interlocking 2 piece, with no spring) and it was life changing ... Like I became an entirely different person because my brain started working right after I stopped nearly dying in my sleep every night.


I’m 70 and have using the Cpap since I was 50 when I was diagnosed with moderate apnea. It is a lifesaver! I got use to the mask (over the nose only) then a couple of years ago, I discovered the nasal mask. It is great and so less restrictive. I can sleep on my side too.


Took me a few years to get comfortable with my CPAP. Took experimentation with about 5-6 different masks. Full face (hated those)…. Used a nose pillow which fit into the nostrils and that worked better but would have sores in nostrils… finally found a nose pillow (Fishel Paykel Evora) which rested under the nostrils but didn’t not go into the nostrils and this is what I’ve been using for the past two years - this mask has been great as it is small, allows me to sleep on my side and doesn’t create nose sores. I also use a mask & tube disinfect device to reduce bacteria.


I LOVE my cpap!! My pressure level is low and I’m able to use a nasal mask with ear loops. Doesn’t mess my hair up. Been using one for many, many years.


I hate my cpap SO much!!! I’m about to give up. It is making my quality of life worse. Who wants to live longer if you’re miserable?


I have 5% body fat and have an athletic physique. Being overweight definitely is not the only cause of sleep apnea. From what I'm learning, I think it has a lot more to do with jaw development. A protracted lower jaw constricts the air space around the back of the throat. Turns out gen alpha might be onto something with their mewing obsession. And "silent" acid reflux which inflames the throat and causes post-nasal drip but doesn't have the obvious symptoms of acid refulx.


I noticed a difference within an hour from a portable infra red heater set up a few feet from the head, for a relative with snoring, the snoring vanished. Also, Benfothiamine seems to help central apnea a lot.


Thank you for teaching people on this subject. I have had sleep apnea for many years & have had bad experiences with anesthesia during surgeries. Even the smallest surgery, the anesthesiologist insists to lay me flat. I have instructed them that I cannot breathe when I am flat on my back & request to be elevated at least 30 degrees. I have had many surgeries, major & minor and only 1 anesthesiologist listened to me. I have had a palatopalatophangealplasty years prior to my CPAP & deviated septum repair. I use my Resmed CPAP nostril insert every night for many years with no real gratification. I am now going on 76 y/o & starting to have short term memory loss & am concerned that my CPAP treatment is not totally helping me. My Dr. does not really assist in much education since he is an Internal Med. I never spoke to a sleep specialist & only have been tested over the years twice with results of "severe sleep apnea" . I live in Southern CA & unable to find an expert in the field. It would be helpful to announce in your wonderful video ways to find a good specialist in Sleep Apnea. 🥴


Im a nurse of 30 years, and have lost complete faith in our modern medicine -


I tried the cpap for 2-3 years. I couldn’t help tearing off in my sleep!


Many of these sound like ideal devices for medical device companies and care providers to capture revenue streams. It doesn't seem like there is much attention to how to make lifestyle changes to avoid or reduce apnea.


Dr Ken D Berry makes a good point about Sleep Apnea, you can lose weight just dieting or you can Keto or Carnivore you can lose weight in the right places, the liver, the tongue and the body! There is a difference in just dieting cutting back or salads and such will help lose pounds but Keto and/or Carnivore you lose weight in the organs and places that really help sooner!
