Homeless women on the streets of Phoenix Arizona

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Phoenix has the same problem as Kensington Philadelphia
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I was homeless in Phoenix, in 1997. Was a drug addict. Two years and almost lost my daughter who stayed with my sister. Church on the Street is a homeless/prison ministry. They will help you; they helped me. I came off the streets and into that shelter and found out about a God who loves you and wants you to turn to Him. I did and He broke the stronghold that plagued me for 17 plus years, I always thought I would be using but not anymore, I have the joy of the Lord in my heart. There is hope.


My wife and I always give whatever we can to help these people. I'm a recovering alcoholic addict and I was at this point once before. I now work at a rehab center and have gotten my life back. I pray and hope that some day these people will help themselves to have a better life.


I became homeless in 2019 after my identity was stolen… my bank account was emptied my social security number was frozen I was facing criminal charges couldn’t pay my rent wound up under the bridge next to honor health for 45 days… I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself just had to stay focused on persevering and getting out that situation the summer is brutal 110-118 degrees I’ve met a lot of people down there and learned not all the people you see living like this have drug problems once I got back in my feet I returned to the streets and gave back all that I can I would buy food water or simply hand out $20 $50 or $100 to people they asked me why was I doing this and I simply replied this can be me or anybody at any give point in time this humble me….


Years ago I met an American in a small Mexican town, he said to me you guys have a lot of homeless dogs, years later when I went to San Francisco for the first time i sow a lot of homeless people, I was shocked just like the men that I had met years before, one thing was the same, it was a normal thing for the people passing by. The dogs are victims of careless owners, but the homeless in America are victims of a broken society.


That guy the fire dept was picking up was not dyeing of hunger he had too much weight still. He was drugged up. Which is the norm.


I was homeless before and had to pull myself out of it. It CAN BE DONE.


Come on, that guy's stomach isn't hurting because he's "hungry" and that other guy isn't dying from hunger, he's just OD'd.


10:25 The man refused treatment, clearly. And he isn't dying of hunger. He has a considerable amount of body fat.


1. That man that the fire/medics left behind was nowhere near death, this is a daily occurrence either they are high or dehydrated. They will always pick an over dose… the sad truth is I know because I’ve been on the hunt for my daughter who is living that life, I can’t count how many times she has od’d and picked up every time. They also don’t eat cardboard to keep them full, he seems the reason that severely malnourished woman is begging and digging in trash and for food. The man in the end was very likely high. They walk around like zombies and sleep through and after highs anywhere and everywhere. If someone was deceased trust you would know! None of the things you were insinuated were factual or true


IMO homeless need to stay drugged up to stay in an alternate reality being sober and homeless must be unbearable to live


How come we haven’t seen thousands of homeless dead throughout all of this Covidiocracy ? Many live together in “camps” and there is no way they are practicing social distancing, wearing masks, or washing their hands. Really makes you wonder. Thanks for this heartbreaking video


I lived out there with them for quite some time in Phoenix. I've seen everything. Seen a couple holding a sign and a guy pulls up and tells the girl to get in and he'll take care of her and she hopped in and left her man, who went nuts about it and started running into traffic trying to get hit. Seen a guy pass out in the shade of a sign in the summer and the shade moved and left him in the open sun and he never woke up. People walked and drove right past him all day even though you could see from his stomach he wasn't breathing. The jackers would pull up and give panhandlers a $20 bill while their friends are watching from another vehicle in a parking lot and the ones watching will follow the panhandler right to the dope house or dope dealer and then they'll pull a home invasion on the house or rob the dealer. Homeless know where the foodbank is and they get food stamps so most are not short on food, they need money for dope. Except the crazy ones who don't know where they are or what's going on to go get a foodstamp card or find the food bank. I survived out there for a long period without ever holding a sign. But I wasn't strung out so I didn't need cash for drugs.


I was also homeless and I started my own business just cleaning windows, within 3 years I was making almost 250, 000 a year. With hard work you can over come this!


Naw! This place is no where in the same level as Kensington in Philly. Not even close!!!


Having been through this many times in 56 years the only thing I see is loneliness. Despair, and heartache. If these people including myself had anyone in their lives that truly loved and cared for them they wouldn't be in this position. Shelters and other "non-profits" don't help, not much at least and sometimes not at all. It's bad enough Having to go through whatever causes people not to have a stable place to live or any support structure, but the additional humiliating, demoralizing, and dehumanizing nature of the word "homeless" only adds to the problem. Then to be treated like a disposable commodity by organizations claiming to help but only further hurt and hinder a person who want to be a part of society in the name of PROFIT needs to end. These are human beings who once had dreams and desires and love....


I've been homeless a few times and am really considering it again. You can only do so much when your given so little. Rents increased 20%. Foods almost doubled. Hanging on by the skin of my teethe now. Thank God for His mercy endureth forever. Great job showing the plight of the downtrodden. The left behinds.


It's a dry heat! I love it. Never saw many homeless a few years ago. Looks like the country is getting worse. I talked to one old guy once, he was a cleaner in a factory for 40 years. He always lived in a boarding house. The factory closed and he finished up on the street. Sad story, he looked 60-70, who would give him a job? Now some other country has his job. Globalism sucks!


We as Filipinos living under the third world country have a great admiration to the American dream..I can't believe why is this rapidly happening in the american soil itself...i can't almost see the difference between our poor people from these destitute and homeless Americans..


Drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illnesses, laziness, excuses, child abuse, never saved money for a rainy day, lost their job, benefits ran out, it's my parents fault, it's the government's fault, etc.


i was once homeless woman..sleeping at the transit station and I did the foot works..and now live in my own place..god saved me. it.can be done
