7 layers of a c.section! #birth #nurse #newborn #baby #mom #educational

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A c-section is definitely not the easy way out. It's done in the o.r for a reason. Having a major operation to deliver your baby is no joke. Not to mention longer recovery time, tons of stitches and higher risk of infection afterwards.


I praise c section mommas! I’m so thankful that I was able to deliver 4 the “natural” way!


the "baby wont be this huge" has me in TEARS 😂


My mom had me and my sister through C-sections.Thank you for educating me on this, I never knew how painful and complicated this process is


I would never wish a c-section for anyone! I had an emergency c-section after a failed home birth and the recovery (mentally and physically) was the hardest thing I've ever done. The pain is horrendous and it makes caring for your baby a million times harder. 16 months post-partum and I still have occasional nerve pain from the surgery.


not only is it a major surgery, it’s a major ABDOMINAL surgery. those are 100% the most painful and have such a long recovery time if they’re open


Most c sections are usually not scheduled. Many times the mom has labored for hours until an emergency c section becomes inevitable. This is what happened to me. And the recovery was horrible too. I labored and worked hard for 16 hours just to be told I am not progressing and baby is in distress. My heart sank 😢


love that you color coordinated the layers haha


I had 3 c-sections. First child was emergency c-section. The other 2 were planned because I couldn't have natural birth. The last c-section was the most painful and took even longer to heal. Everytime I sneezed or coughed I was scared the incision would open up. Wasn't aloud to drive for 6 weeks. But I'm grateful my kids came out safely.


Having major abdominal surgery is definitely not the easy way out.


Birthing humans in any way is all hard. But so very much worth it! Mothers need more time for recovery for all types of delivery. The “recommended” 6-8 weeks is just cruel.


Reasons why C Sections are NOT the easy way out.

- a lot of c sections are done after hours and hours of labor, even to the point of crowning. so the mother has to recover from both
-a c section incision is no joke, like the video said
-most porviders will only allow you to have 4 c sections before suggesting you get your tubes tied. So those of us who can only have c sections cant have as many children as other people without risk of death to mom and baby
-c section recovery is agonizing, especially if your pain meds get lost at the pharmacy. Ibuprofen doesnt cut it
-infection is common
-additional surgery due to internal stitches breaking is possible

C section moms get a ton of shit because we didnt push our babies out. It doesnt even occur to some people that maybe, we wanted to push out our babies and we couldnt. It makes it hurt that much more when our pain is diminished.

Be kind to c section moms, we suffer too. Most of all, we're moms too.


I had two vaginal births then an emergency c section 5 months ago. It was Extremely Traumatic & my scar still tingles.. not to mention learning to love your body with the scar! ❤


Idk how anyone would think that a C-section is the easy way out!?!? That’s crazy! I’ve had two children but never had a C-section and I’m honestly so scared of ever getting one. My SIL had multiple C-sections and after seeing what she went through, I would never ever call that easy! And the healing process can be lengthy and hard as well.
There is no “easy way out” when it comes to giving birth, no matter if it’s a VB, VBAC, or CS.


I don’t know what’s worse. Pushing a watermelon out of a pinhole or being cut open to remove the watermelon instead


Even if someone chose a C-section, it still doesn't make them less of a parent. We should be uplifting one another, not judging the choices made. Natural or C-section, there's pros and cons to both and neither is the lesser choice.


As a csection mom i thank you for this ❤ its hard either way but it sucks to get "shame" from people who dont understand.


Thank you so much for this a lot of people think it is the easy way out but honestly is way more difficult to recover.


I gave birth to my baby via c-section almost a year ago. I was dangerously anemic within 2 days, unable to hold a conversation without passing out. I could have died, if they didn’t catch it. I could hardly do anything the first 3 months, nothing strenuous for the 3 after that. I suffered what I can only describe as postpartum depression partially due to feeling like I was unable to care for my baby 100%. I was honestly doing so well for how taxing it is on the body to heal from that, trying to breastfeed, and keep up with a newborn. If anyone is feeling beaten down in this situation, remember you’ve already handled one of the hardest parts. You’ll learn right along with your baby and you’ll find your path. It’s a process and the learning curve is hard, but you’ve got this! Don’t hesitate to ask for help. It takes a village and your well-being matters just as much as baby’s! You’ve got this!


So thankful I had normal deliveries!’ All the love and praise to you c section mamas!!!
