The Last images taken by Cassini Shocked us

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The Cassini spacecraft was Launched in 1997, which was a mission that was send particularly to study saturn and it’s neighboring moon. The Cassini-Huygens mission, traveled for seven years to reach the ringed planet and its 62 moons. Its arrival in 2004, started the beginning of an extraordinary 13 years of discovery beginning in 2005 with the Huygens lander setting down on the moon Titan, which is one of the most Earth-like worlds with its own weather, climate and geology. Cassini also revealed the magnificent and uniqueness of each moon. This spacecraft discovered the icy plumes on Enceladus's south pole, which indicated an underground ocean, which is considered as one of the most promising places to search for life in our solar system. Cassini observed vast storms in Saturn's atmosphere and brought us closer to understand the complex gas giant planet. Unfortunately, On September 15, 2017, the spacecraft went out-of-fuel and plunged into Saturn's atmosphere and ended its mission. But before getting destroyed, it took some remarkable images of the gas Giant planet.