Spiritual Awakening - (SIGNS You're Making GREAT Progress)

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Can we all just have a big group hug? Love to each of you. ❤️🙏🏻❤️


sending so much love and light to all that can see this....hang in there....we've got so much to do!!! love you all!!


This has been the truth for my ascension process. I remember six months ago being in great shape, having a girlfriend, awesome car and on the way to a great career. I specifically remember meditating one night after an intense yoga session on the nature of spiritual growth. I'd been having feelings of unease but didn't know from where. That night I spoke it allowed into the universe, "Let me achieve a sense of peace and spiritual growth... no matter the cost." Almost immediately everything went to shit. I got super depressed and as a result I stopped exercising. I found out my girlfriend was chatting on me (she left me when I gained 20lbs). I lost the career path I'd aspired to. For those months I felt lost and had no sense of direction. Near the end of that time I was drinking heavily, doing drugs, and having lots of unprotected sex. I was a wreck. Things changed the day I lost my car. I was behind on necessary it was repossessed. I was surprised at the sense of relief. I'd been fighting so hard for a life I'd come to realize I didn't want. and when I lost that last aspect of who I was I had to let go and by letting go of who I was I was free to evolve into who I am. I asked the universe to help me grow by any means necessary. Just came in a way I didn't see coming.


This channel is a god send. Thank you for all that you do! I honestly thought I was doing something wrong in my Ascension process because I still have anxiety, I still have depression and as an empath, i'm still attracting energetic vampires into my life. Knowing that this is to be expected means a lot. I had this belief that everything is going to be butterflies and rainbows and if I'm not attracting what I want in my life and feeling amazing I am obviously not transcending. So thank you so much and congrats on moving to cali! I have a feeling your going to blow up on YouTube real soon! Your sincerity and no bullshit attitude is exactly what this community needs right now!


Victor - This is so true. Whenever I feel depressed, I know that somehow, somewhere I am progressing spiritually. Thanks for your videos and all your effort you put into them.


I just got past my last bump in the road.
*Tip:* Talk to someone about what's going on. *Tip 2:* Express your creativity. It keeps you in the moment.


I had an intense need to be alone. I had almost zero desire to be around anyone for several months.


I was feeling so down, I felt lost and I just wanted to cry when I got home from my friend but I just couldn't. After this video I understood and I could finally let it all go, because you made it clear to me. Thank you so much.


Been going through the EXACT same thing right now- progress comes in the form of what you'd least expect it. It's been such a pleasure to follow your journey and see how any issue i encounter along the way is followed by a video uploaded by you on the exact same subject. We're all so connected! Sending you love to you and your family, you really are doing great work. keep sharing.


So many are stuck in the rigors of life. We are all so busy. I came to the realization that much of my busyness is self imposed and started looking for ways to simplify it. By doing this I found more time to care for myself physically, mentally and spiritually. I started being creative again and found much joy in this. When things go nuts, I have learned to pull back and examine the situation carefully. Much of the time, if I am open to change, I will learn new and better ways of handling stressful situations. So now, , I view adversity as an opportunity for growth. Well, not always but I am learning. Thank you Victor. I love your channel.


Thank you so much for this video! It makes me feel so much better about what has been going on. Will try even harder to stay positive and work through all that is handed me. May everyone have a wonderful day and much love to you all!


I made a huge move two years ago, I left everything and went to start a new life. within a year i was homeless and I lost my job and car. It was the best thing that could have happened! It triggered my awakening and really helped me to be totally present in the now, and to be content with very little. Things improved for me, but I still have these bouts of depression and feeling lost. Thank you Vic, it's good to know I'm making progress still. :)


Victor, I have so much appreciation for your videos of experience, strength and hope. You're a guide, a teacher and a spiritual sponsor. I've just completed my 4th Step and I am grateful for your videos and my other YouTube guides for helping me. You are doing great and you inspire much hope!
Nameste, John McGuire


Thank you Victor! I've been feeling really down. Stuff is falling apart all around me. I'm trying to stay positive but it's really tough.


Thank you for being so open and honest with where you are in your process. My life really sucks right now... glad to know I'm one of the tough ones :) Hold your head up and keep going.


Thank you so much victor, i can sit here and try to express my appreciation but i cant begin to articulate how. You have single handedly made a different in my life. keep up the good work i love you man, stay blessed. Peace.


Wow, Victor! You have cleared some issues here for me. I am looking at all challenges as a test in order to reach my Higher Self. Each incident is a nudging reminder to keep myself centered, no matter what. I have faith in our Divine and I know I'm on the right path. Thank you so much! Namaste.


being positive is a habit the more you do it, the more you do it in different situation the better it becomes..if you keep looking at the positives most of the time you will not have time to look at the things that bring you down...once your confidence gets better then you can start to clearly analyze and that it's your interpretation of things that makes you feel up or down..grattitude and love and kindness are greatest tools to a healthy and strong spirit...


i am going through exactly same my life my routine my body my focus everything is i feel lost all the time....🙏🙏🙏


Yeah. It gets worse before it gets better. The lesson is to always have faith and keep going. It does get better and you can reach what you want.
