Understanding HIV: Science, Stigma and Sex | On The Cards – BBC

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How have perceptions of HIV changed between the 80s and now? Following the three-part documentary AIDS: The Unheard Tapes, Ben Hunte joins a special panel to discuss everything from dating and relationships to science and stigma.

This episode, Harry Whitfield AKA Charity Kase, star of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK sits on the couch alongside activists Marc Thompson, Jay Hawkridge, Phil Samba and sex educator Ruby Rare.

Watch On The Cards: Understanding HIV and AIDS: The Unheard Tapes now on iPlayer

On The Cards showcases real, unapologetic conversations with real people. Each episode focuses on an important and honest conversation, inspired by BBC programmes.

AIDS: The Unheard tapes are real stories, from real voices. The AIDS crisis as never told before, by those who survived - and those who did not. Frank, intimate accounts from the heart of a devastating epidemic.

#BBC #OnTheCards #UnderstandingHIV #BBCiPlayer

00:00 - 00:25 How have perceptions of HIV changed from the 80s till now?
00:25 - 01:12 What is the difference between HIV and Aids?
00:12 - 08:01 How has HIV stigma changed?
08:01 – 09:41 HIV stigma: what can be done
14:21 - 16:51 Dating apps and HIV
16:51 - 23:00 What does it mean to be HIV+ today?
23:00 - 28:40 HIV and discrimination
28:41 - 30:10 Why did you become an HIV activist?
30:10 - 33:11 Sharing advice on HIV resources
33:11 - 34:49 What have we learnt about changing perceptions of HIV?

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I don’t agree with it being trivialised. Like oh yeah its easy, one tablet a day. I feel like that attitude towards it could potentially cause people to not take precautions to avoid contracting it. I have always said that people should be able to live how they want, date who they want, be as promiscuous as they want… but unfortunately this virus exists, yet some people still behave frivolously.

Thank goodness there are medications to help positive people


I would not consider been a lover of a HIV infected person. I do not care about your feelings, I care about my health more!!! My boss just died from heart complications after been on ARVs long term, hewas undetectable but his health still failed as he approached 60. If someone did not disclose this to me, god help them!!!


My dear friend has HIV AIDS is 54 he is healthier than a horse I'm so glad to still have him


A very good, emotional and informative show. I cannot help feeling the focus on stigma, social attitudes and health care etc, while entirely needed and important, seems here to diminish the very real dangers HIV poses and the very real impact it can have on lives. The idea that "I just take a pill a day and my life is unaffected", is simply not everyone's experience.


I think it's a very interesting contrast watching this and watching the mid 90s documentary "the gift"


13:02 _”I don’t need to tell a partner about my HIV status. There’s no LEGAL obligation. There’s no MORAL obligation …”_

I totally disagree with that assertion. Because if I discovered a partner didn’t tell me and I found out later, I would definitely DUMP them.

But even before all that happened, I wouldn’t have sex with someone unless we had discussed STI statuses.

Each partner owes it to the other. To do otherwise is unforgivable.


The heads being turned by the date weaponising HIV status in a restaurant is NOT just about the stigma. It's partially because of how awful that is to do to someone. It's a vile thing to do, so plenty of judgment would've been in his direction.


I was absolutely delighted with the immediate hsv1 healing I got through Dr Etiko on YouTube. Keeping saving lives doctor.


My only question is where did it come from? Why did it come to light in the 70’s onwards and before it wasn’t known but was it around?


What's the difference between acknowledging that there is a risk with someone who has hiv and stigma? Because ot feels like these people expect not to be treated like their blood carries lifelong medicalization in situations where the risk is prominent.


Great video hopefully the stigma ends and hopefully the medicine only advances in its ability to eradicate the virus I’m hoping for a cure some time soon


*_Why was my comment removed/deleted?_* My comment discussed the evolutionary science of "Sexual Disgust" (an emotion to deter individuals from engaging in sexual activities that are probabilistically detrimental to fitness). The disgust emotion is not only brought forth by components of sexuality (such as STD's), but also by things like death, hygiene, or body-envelope violations (i.e., skin punctures) etc. In my comment, I gave an example of another STD that rotted away flesh on private parts and the disgust emotion it elicited for the reader. My comment reviewed the role disgust plays regarding consumption or contact with infectious agents, mating with costly sexual partners, and the violation of social norms. In regards to evolutionary biology, human beings evolved to avoid sex with costly mates and sexual situations that reliably led to decrements in reproductive fitness during our evolutionary history. This means that if a potential mate or sexual situation is costly, then sexual disgust will be activated, and avoidance of sex will follow. Ignoring the role STD's play in sexual disgust isn't going to help you with your cause because you are not being honest. You have to be based in reality. The problem with this generation of HIV activist is that they always expect to be happy and for people to cater to their very whim. This is the dark side to the pursuit of happiness. And there is an ever growing mass of literature seem to suggest that many others are noticing this too. Any comment that doesn't affirm their beliefs or the slightest disagreement results in cancel culture. Just because you disagree with my comment doesn't mean you should delete it. Just because my comment isn't in line with your feelings doesn't mean it's not valid and you should delete it. HIV activist are now so focused on changing basic evolutionary biology (sexual disgust) that their not seizing each day for its last drop of joy. They have muted their joy and it's causing resentment and anger for the people near them. We don't owe you happiness, we don't owe you access to our bodies. Some HIV activists will even go around telling the general public that HIV/AIDS is not a big deal, just a pill a day. That's foolish because we spend 10% of our health budget on HIV/AIDS to the point that even their medication is heavily subsidized. Why bite the hand that feeds you? If it's not a big deal than we should redirect our limited funding into other health conditions. HIV activists you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't down play a serious disease and also expect billions of dollars in funding. This is foolish. We are allowed to criticize HIV activists foolishness. The previous generation of people infected with HIV just wanted to LIVE. They wanted access to medication and resources, remember they didn't have access to life changing medication. They died in the millions.

My comment also discussed how unrealistic it is to judge the 1980's ads of HIV when there was no treatment, no medication and millions of people dying. Of course governments are going blitzed their nations with warning posters of death because young people were dying (valuable members of communities). At that time HIV was ignored by a large chunk of the general public, except for when they saw tombstone adverts. That was actually a horrific time for certain communities. The activist ignores the fact that 35 million people died of HIV/AIDS and thinks stigma is from ads on TV. Again we are not allowed to criticize social justice warrior mindsets without having our comment deleted.

How strange, you left religious comments demonizing HIV/AIDS, curing herpes ads etc etc but my comment on the science of sexual disgust was triggering and too sensitive? HIV activists you will not succeed if members of the public can't criticize your pursuit of constant happiness, your blatant falsehoods and your entitlement mindset.

There is something very wrong with these activists, their woke mindset.


"I don't subscribe to any dating apps. When you've got Instagram you don't have to"

Mmmm. I understand the entitlement he feels, now. His DMs be popping.


Ora BBC, o vídeo não tem tradução oral e nem se permite legendas traduziveis. Aqui não foi bem!


I took an hiv rapid duo test after 2 weeks of exposure and it came back negative. Am I safe?


My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you Dr Igudia for all you have done for me, you gave me your words that you could heal any sickness or disease, thank you for permanently curing me of my Genital Herpes you are amazing


Gay people are far more likely to have HIV/AIDS than straight people. That is a fact, unfortunately. It's just the reality of the situation. The fight against HIV/AIDS would be more effective if certain people weren't so obsessed with stopping "homophobia". I'd say preventing people from spreading HIV is far more important than preventing homophobia, but apparently I'm wrong because I genuinley risk being visited by the police and getting warned/fined/imprisoned for even talking about. Such is the current state of the UK. What has happened to this country?


Salute to the doctor for saving lives. But these people are gross.


I wish we would stop using that horrible word "queer"


Hadir dari Indonesia lagi nyimak Vidio anda kawan, salam persahabatan selalu
