Japanese Karate Sensei Ranks TOP 10 SHOTOKAN KARATE KATA

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*The information/opinion in this video is Karate Dojo waKu's own interpretations and does not represent any other organizations.

📕My Background📕
Name: Yusuke Nagano
Birthplace: Kawasaki, Japan
Belt Grade: 2 Dan
Style of Coaching: The Fusion of Simple Concept and Logical Breakdown


What I covered in this video:
karate, shotokan, karate shotokan, shotokan karate, karate sensei, karate tutorial, karate how to, karate dojo waku, yusuke nagano, sensei seth, karate nerd, jesse karate, jesse enkamp, karate japan, Japanese karate, karate kid, kumite

#karate, #shotokan, #karateshotokan, #shotokankarate, #karatesensei, #karatetutorial, #karatehowto, #karatedojowaku #yusukenagano #senseiseth #karatenerd #jessekarate #jesseenkamp #karatejapan #japanesekarate #kumite #karatekid #kata #karatenearme #karatebelts

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After I learned Hangetsu I went back and relearned all previous kata with what I found in that kata. It has improved all kata I have learned since. Oss !


This is an excellent review of Shotokan style katas for competitions. I fully agree with this approach. Now, if we look at the aspect of karate as a martial art, I want to include Jitte, Hangetsu and Nijushiho, because the bunkais of these kata are very effective in my opinion. Congratulations on the top 10. Oss.


Bassai Dai: Am I a joke to you?

Great analysis. You have a clever way of evaluating.


Jion was the first advanced Kata I ever learned and was my favorite for a long time. Kanku Dai became my favorite later on when I felt I got good enough with it haha. Just learned both Gojushiho's, hope to get better at them. Not very used to cat stance. I've watched my seniors practice Unsu before, definitely ab awesome kata.


I always go back to Tekki Shodan when I need a simple but holistic routine during my training.

It, to me, is the ultimate expression of "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".
My girlfriend really likes it too. I taught it to her and it fixed her overall posture and stability. 😁

I've been warming up to training with Wankan as of late too. Another simple but rather interesting Kata. 🙏🥋


Excellent ranking criteria. Very good video!


Thanks for the video! Please watch for explanations and reasoning, but here is the list: 10. Bassai Sho, 9. Jion, 8. Kanku Sho, 7. Kanku Dai, 6. Enpi, 5. Gojushiho sho, 4. Gojushiho Dai, 3. Gankaku, 2. Sochin, 1. Unsu.


For Kyokushin, kanku is very important since the beginning hand motion was used for the bases for it's logo


Karate Dojo WaKu I see you sparred with the tae kwon do practioners. some folks been saying tae kwon do isn't a practical martial art. however i feel any martial art can be great depending on the practioner's skill level and fight IQ. i don't know why folks bash tae kwon do or call it safe space karate. Tae Kwon do to me is a versatile art with it's kicks. what are your thoughts on tae kwon do as a martial art?


My Kata of choice right now in tournaments is Kanku Dai. Keep in mind I am currently a 1st degree, so some of these other Kata's I am still working on learning, but I like Kanku Dai during tournaments because I can get it to show speed, and power, and multiple different techniques. So far it has done me well. Until I learn Unsu of course. As always it's a pleasure watching your videos!!.


a friend did Unsu at an open tournament sponsored by a Tae Kwon Do club. They ended up calling it the gun slinger form when they asked us about it later in the tournament


The 3 katas I love most to do it, is Gankaku, Enpi and Unsu 🫶🏻


Great analysis and ranking, Sensei! Would you be able to do this for other styles such as Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, and Wado-Ryu, among others?


Yusuke excellent content excellent material a nice analysis on the breakdowns of the forms excellent eye for detail and away forms do represent real battle as in terms of fighting in a rotated State and attacking from all positions and all sides peace be well in all the best on your fighting Journey 👍👊


Maybe you can make a ''Top 10 best kata for self-defense''.


Empi is my one and only kata and my forever love got a 2nd place with this kata and its been my favorite for 2 years now


Cool work sir 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Karate is my favorite sport I practice it and it's beautiful


In Shotokan Kwanku Dai is probably the most important kata. The whole Shotokan Karate system is based upon it.
