How to Retire on Ethereum with Staking! What it takes, impact of ETH2.0 and best methods

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#RetireOnEthereum #ETH2 #Ethereum #ETHStaking #Eth2Staking
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Can you retire on Ethereum by staking? What is the impact of ETH2.0 and what alternatives do we have and how can we turn 100K into $3M?

0:00 The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security or investment product. It is only intended to provide education about the financial industry.

0:20 What is Ethereum 2.0
An upgrade of Ethereum that will change it from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake consensus
Eth2 is launched as a separate network to Ethereum, goal = migrate all of Ethereum over to Eth2 in phases

1:00 Ethereum 2.0 Phases
We have a long way to go with Ethereum 2.0. This is a journey. #1 Beacon Chian.

2:00 Ethereum 2.0 Phases - Timelines
Beacon Chain - Live
The Merge - Dec 2020
Sharding - Late 2022

3:00 What is Staking?
Comparing POS vs POW, there aren’t any miners in POS instead it uses validators to maintain the security of the network.

4:00 Eth2 Staking: Important To Know!
Staking on Eth2 is one-way door - once you stake you will convert your Eth to Eth2

5:00 How Do Staking Rewards Work?

6:00 The Sweet Spot 10M ETH
Less than 10M - Higher Interest
More than 10M - Lower Interest

7:00 7.3M ETH Staked in ETH2 ($28bn)

7:30 Interest Rate Equilibrium
If the total network stake is 10M ETH Validators stand to earn 5.72% interest a year. The network issuance rate is 0.55% a year.

8:00 Estimated Interest Rate

8:30 Ways to Stake
Current Rates as of Sep 2, 2021:

9:00 Staking Rates on Different Pools

9:30 Exchange/Lending Rates

10:00 Who are the Stakers?
43% is staked directly. 28% is done via exchanges. 19% on pools. 10% are whales.

10:30 Staking Options
Here are some staking options as u can see with some there are mins eg LIDO All Nodes BLOX

11:00 Staking 32 ETH over 10 Years
Assumes 5.53%. Given the ETH price of $3820.68 USD, the value of your original stake would be worth $129,018 after 1 year and $189,828 after 10 years.


12:00 Staking 32 ETH worth $3.1M in 10 Years
$3.1M in 10 years?
Assumes 5.53%. Given the ETH price of $3820.68 USD, the value of your original stake would be worth $129,018 after 1 year and $189,828 after 10 years. Will bring us to over $3M - SUPER CONSERVATIVE PRICE PREDICTIONS - always the risk of ETH failing

13:00 I like the easy button and gives me options to get out of the market rather than locking in my ETH

13:30 Celsius Network 5.35% up to 100 ETH

13:40 Voyager 4.6% - Easy Button

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I love your retirement models. I'm a 56 year old married woman who has taken our family's hard earned, slow grown savings and invested aggressively starting in the April 21 dip. Your gift has saved me from major losses and huge $$ life set back. I am starting to see light at the end of our tunnel, and a very bright future. Nothing but goodness, even on dark days. Thank you! Now to learn how to stake.... :)


This guy is freaking amazing with the details. Boss level!
Thank you !


James, unfortunately, I rarely get to see you live but never miss your stream after my daughter goes to bed at night. THANK YOU for all you have taught me!!!


Thanks James, you have become favorite channel almost overnight, thanks.


Thank you James. I’m always late to the stream party because time differences and KIDS!
Thank you for all your great work each and every day


You are by far the best youtuber out there!


Yay a quick video without a Q&A section so we know IA is working hard behind the scenes!

Cool vid!


Nothing but respect for you, James. Keeping it real always. Thanks for what you do.


Thank you for your dedication and focus. You are a gift to the space. A panacea to the Bitboys of the space.


Happy to see you standing today! Stay well!


Thank you James for all the hard and great work you're doing! I bet you don't need a youtube channel but you're doing it out of a good heart, to help other people. Much love and respect!


This is just great. Changing my world each video I watch!


Great content James. Thanks for sharing this lesson on staking. I missed out on your SOL prediction and watching it shoot to the moon from $28 entry opportunity. Kicking myself!


This is so valuable, I have learned more in 15 minutes than all that was taught in my MBA Degree.


Thank you James. I'm 39 and choosing options carefully. This looks to be a good safe bet going forward 👍


You are changing lives left and right, and then everyone we talk too as well. Thank you 🙏


Thank you for all you do, James! I tune in everyday and learn a little something each time. You have changed my life as a single mommy. My children thank you too for our growing financial freedom. xoxox



Great content on staking. I have been staking and it’s great to earn passive income. Set it and forget it. Let it grow through compounding! Slow and steady wins the race. Patience to build wealth! Thanks so much


Yes, would also like to see 5 year retirement projections for 2026


Great topic, James! You are helping so many people!
