HOW I STUDY in NURSING SCHOOL | Getting A's on all my exams

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This video is not the prettiest and it's kinda chaotic, but I filmed it twice already and I couldn't get it how I liked it so I just made it very informal. ANYWAYS, this is everything I do from start to finish and it's been paying off big time! Don't forget to subscribe while you're here :)

Youtube Channels I use to study!!

Insta: @daimee13

☆About Me☆
21 years old
From the suburbs of CHICAGO
Graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln May 2019
Attending Nursing School at Loyola University August 2019

Intro Song:
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

- Diana xx

Disclaimer: I do not own the music in this video.
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I’m a premed student and do this exact thing, and also Ace every exam. I condense every lecture into no more than one page front and back. make about 6-10 pages of material per test and take it all in. Write down everything you absolutely don’t know or aren’t sure of. Memorize everything you write and you basically know everything in those lectures. This works for genetics, orgo, cell bio, anatomy/physio!


Just remember while it’s important to pass your classes, the most important thing to take away as a nurse is to be able to apply the content.


i got 3.81 this semester.... so my studying tips is
Don't study on Saturdays ... so you avoid burn out
record the lecture on your phone listen to it within one week... write the notes READ READ READ them, then the week before exam go through the slides and write the extra notes of them on the end of you notes
then before the exam do practice questions from QUIZLET (for example i will google : Nclex questions for palliative care..) BOOM many teachers bring their questions from the internet ..
THAT'S IT no need for any extra complicated stuff, no need for extra steps
i had Anatomy 2, Microbiology,pharmacology, and fundamental 2


I was an A and B student doing my prereqs... I did well by just printing out the slides, listening to the lecture and highlighting and adding in what was important, annotating what made sense, writing in pencil what didn't (keeping track of that to research later, read in the book, ask a study aid, group meetings, etc) and boom. On a consistent basis, my grades would improve.

Writing the notes may help you retain it better, but I know with my handwriting it would be overwhelming, so printing out the slides and listening to the lecture ahead of time can be a helpful alternative


I love how you share as a nurse "you want to know this information and not just pass your courses" as nurses we are here to help people in need and if we don't take the time to understand whats going on then we can cause someone in the field harm. When you shared that it allowed me to subscribe to your channel, keep up the great work you will be an amazing nurse!


I'm at a 3.9 half way through nursing school. Wish me luck!


At the beginning of the year last year, I watched your video. I decided that I was going to give your method a try going into my 1st semester. I am about to graduate and have made all As because of you. I have always struggled with studying, and you are the reason that I have passed with flying colors. So thank you <3


i’m about to be 21, i dropped out of college after my 1st year because i had no idea what i wanted to do and i felt unmotivated. Then after dropping out i looked into nursing but i’ve always been scared to go back. later this year i’ll be going back to school. I struggle a lot with studying so this helped me a lot and it’s super motivating. Thank you!


I love Sara from registered nurse RN. I finished patho with an 86 ! Now that I’m done with the class and on break I’m reviewing ALL the material all over again before I start again in January to retain and better understand the material for the future classes! While I review a certain disease I also watch a video and she explains sooo good! I basically have it memorized after watching it once! I’m determined to be an RN!


Your breakdown of explaining how you take notes is such a great help! Thank you!


I love your study methods and notetaking style! Thanks so much for sharing!


Thank you so much for this video! I've had a hard time finding a good method to "study smart" and this is so well organized and makes more sense than anything else I've seen!! Good luck with your classes! Thank you again!!


Thank you so much!! This helped me SO MUCH! Soon starting my nursing school and i really needed this to keep my mind not overwelmed. Amazing!


Great video! Thank you for taking the time out to describe your method in detail, I will definitely be re-watching this so that I can try it out and see if it works for me as well.

Also, I love that pullover 😍


You’ve def won my subscriptiion. Love this methodology to studying and will incorporate this into studying for my first semester of nursing school. Looking forward to more videos/tips.


Best video I’ve come across! I’ve been looking for better ways to utilize my time while studying! Thank you so much !♥️


This is by far the best “how to study in nursing school” video. Everything is broken down and straight to the point. I absolutely love it. Thank you 🤍...I just subscribed, btw!


this information was soo helpful! i’ve been in nursing school for only a month now and i still haven’t been able to pick up good study habits :( i will definitely try this because repetition is KEY for me as well, thanks girly good luck to you!! ❤️ subscribed!


Thank you for this wonderful video. I'm going to try your method for my second semester of my LPN program. I'm an older student and you are an inspiration!


You are so right about the study guides. My teacher leaves out a lot of info that ends up on the exam. I will definitely be creating my own study guide for myself and using your tips. Thanks for sharing! Good Luck
