The Secret to Intimacy | The Science of Love

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Love can be broken down into three categories; passion, intimacy and commitment. But what comes first and what leads to what? If you can't choose to be intimate with someone, how can you make sure it sticks around? This week we meet real couples and investigate the secret behind intimacy.

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Directed by: Mike Bernstein
Producer: Matt Pittman
Hosted by: Julian Huguet

Cinematographer: Yuki Noguchi
Production Designer: Flower Cole
1st AD: Hudson Sheaffer

Editor: David Sommer
Production Manager: William Cubbon
Production Coordinator: Rebecca Ma
Production Support: Anthony D'Angelo

B Cam Op: Richie Yau
1st AC | DIT: Loie Russell-Templeton
Gaffer: Drew Moe
G&E Swing: Allen Chadakowski
Art Director: Marcy Silver
Makeup: Taylor Tompkins
On Set Sound Mixer: Ben Adams
VFX & Title Sequence: Cameron Clark
Post Sound Designer & Mixer: Matt Schwartz
Colorist: Trevor Durtschi

Featured Participants: Jill & TC, Nina & Corey, Scott & Jessica, Mei Mei & Kiran


Just Chillin by Marcus Svedin
Rural Sky by Devin O'Rourke
Ah, It Was in the Garage After All from the Lullatone - Elevator Music Library
Prelude for a Single Snowflake Under a Streetlight, Falling Like a Star from the Lullatone - While Winter Whispers Library
Peache of Mind by Devin O'Rourke
Uplifting Retro Piano Pop by Gavin Luke


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Рекомендации по теме

Vulnerable. There's the word.

The reason why I haven't been in a relationship so far is because I can't bring myself to give someone the power to break me (in case they leave me).


it's very heart-warming, watching people in love.


"And I don't feel bad about that because this is science." Julian you're fantastic. I love this series, this video actually made me tear up a bit.


The mature couple looked so enlightened. Soulmates for sure, I felt perfect understanding flowing through their glances, and I hope every couple takes the effort to understand each other like that, as well as fear loosing each other.


This one actually made me cry, the couples were so in love and positive and romantic each in their own way.... AHHH IM SUCH A SOFTIE


i can't wait to make someone feel the way these people feel about each other.


I cried! How lovely these couples are to each other. I will keep that in mind, that passion, intimacy and commitment are aspects of love, and they aren't always present.


I first know about soulpancake is through the their video " how to connect with anyone " and then I start to view videos of soulpancake. To be honest, i have tear drops in almost every the science of love series video. Me and my other half were in a long distance relationship, and I am very insecure about our relationship but we both know we deeply fall in love with each other, which is a blessed things. We have been together 20 months now... we only have the chances to see each other when the school is on and we break apart during semester break... we booth cry together when we know we are not able to see each other faces in the next morning, it is a hard time to deal with after graduation which will happen on the coming May and which made it worst is her birthday fall on May 31 and by that time she might be back to her hometown. But now I saw all these videos and it makes me happy and feel positive about our relationship, I can't wait to watch again with her company next time :) thanks soulpancake for these awesome videos, subscribed. 


I looove the fact that when you talk about intimacy you don't mean sexually objectifying. (Im messed up by media).
Wow. Thank you. Actual love. Intimacy - [In-to-me-see].


I have recently learned about SoulPancake, and I have been watching numerous videos a day, and they instantly shift my mindset into one of positivity. I absolutely love these videos. Thank you for creating soulPancake and for putting these videos together. <3


Just realized I'm watching this videos on Valentine's day, how depressing is that


Today I opened up to a new woman in my life, she makes me so happy and actually feel good about life and the future, that I had to let her in. It turns out she feels the same about me as I do for her and I owe it all to opening up and showing vulnerability to someone I barely know. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't said anything? All I know is I'm with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and she's all mine :) I love you soulpancake, you make our days better without even knowing how you truly influence our lives. Thank you all involved :)


"Have the guts to be vulnerable."
Nicely said, Julian. That's a lesson I need to take from this video...


So beautiful and at the same time it makes so sense, everybody who is in a long relationship knows how difficult is not let the relationship to get into a rut! It is so important to always remember that passion and intimacy is not something that you earn and will last forever, it is a day-to-day conquest! To fall in love is to easy, but to keep this feeling over the time, takes a lot of commitment and respect. But in the end, if you have what it takes to live with one special person you will see that it will worth every moment you spent with the one you LOVE! 


"One of the most important things to know about love is that it never stays in the same place. Intimacy and passion rise and fall with the stresses of life. So, if you feel the drop now and then, don't freak out. It doesn't mean the relationship is broken, it's just the nature of how love works." Thank you for saying that.


If you are who you are all time, you'll immediately know that the people who enter your life are there because they genuinely like you for you. Pretty simple yet so hard for us to do


Why is SoulPancake and Julian always so adorable?  This series always leaves me with a smile on my face and a bit more hope in humanity.


…baby don't hurt me - don't hurt me…no more


What strenght do I bring into our relationship?
When was the time in our lives when our relationship needed more attention?
How satisfied are you with the amount of time we spend together?
What is one way we could be a better couple?
What are you most scared about our future?
What is something that we used to do that you miss now?


As I watched this I thought about the spark in their eyes: I saw normal people with passion for the people they love. This is truly the meaning of life.
